Aligning the Dots

Aligning the Dots ISBN: 9781734208719 Seward (?) Business Press copyright and written by Phillippe Bouissou, PhD.

Sub-titled, the new paradigm to grow any business, this book, like most in the genre, opens with “Additional praise” by prominent business leaders, list of trademarks, Photograph and Art Credits and the book’s Contents that contains a statement on “How to read this book” followed by a another “Why you should read this book”. Next listed, 9 chapters, most including detailed pertinent studies; 1. The Growth Imperative, one case study; 2. Alignment of Everything. 3. Introduction to the A4 Precision Alignment™ Paradigm, one study; 4. First Axis: Pain vs. Claim, three; 5. Second – Perception vs. Message, four; 6. Third – Purchase vs. Sale, three; 7. Fourth – Delight vs. Offering, two; 8. Building your Growth Playbook, four; 9. Internal alignment, two studies. A Summary, Index, Acknowledgements and About the Author conclude the book. The content begins simply with an explanation of “How to read this book” describing that it has been written “so that you can maximize the return on the time you invest in it. Skip around and read it in a non-linear fashion if that suits you. Or read it cover to cover.” Accompanying are suggestions for reading the material if you have 3 minutes, ten minutes, thirty or “more time or can’t fall asleep”. A more detailed explanation of “Why you should read this book” then provides an opening to the substantive material of the chapters as listed above.

Discussion: An interesting summary of “What we have learned” after one chapter/section’s presentation. “It’s the beginning of a quiet revolution I call The Reverse Movement, It is a profound change with lasting effects, where products and services and ease-of-transaction are delivered to the customer, not the opposite as it has been up until now.” Another highly interesting section is set forth in the fourth axis of alignment in the A4 Precision Alignment™ methodology which explains the concept presented by the somewhat perplexing title “Delight vs. Offering”; viz. “between the delight the customer is expecting after the acquisition of the product and the experience he or she receives using the product”. Further admonishment is provided to the effect that there is only one business regardless of whether it offers farm machinery, beauty products or anything in-between and that is the delivery of delight at a level the customer wants and expects. The author further reduces a company’s effectiveness to a simple formula: “Growth Contribution = Experienced Delight – Expected Delight.”  Further provided are steps required in taking what he titles the “Delightfulness Journey”. From replies to a questionnaire, numbers are gained which provide further information. Importance of asking pertinent questions, gaining necessary date, aligning them properly, gaining critical insight from them and finally applying them properly are stressed. The importance of Internal Alignment, as well as external, is critical for growth to occur. The Summary amusingly includes material “For those who want a quick reference … or are one of those readers who skip to the end.” The last 15% of the book are devoted to a most helpful Index, a sizable number of Acknowledgements and a modestly short About the Author.

5* Somewhat ‘different’ approach to initiate/continue business growth.

Leadership and Life Hacks

Leadership & Life Hacks ISBN: 9781946633835 ForbesBooks copyright and written by Alyssa Rapp.

Subtitled “Insights from a Mom, Wife, Entrepreneur & Executive”, the author offers an explanation of her personal alternative definition of ‘hack’ – “Woman friends in the same position always are seeking tangible ways to create impact and efficiency in our lives. You might call them secret sources or shortcuts to success. For the purposes of this discussion, let’s call them hacks.” She further explains there will be two sections – lead and live. She suggests the reader may proceed in any order desired – back, forward, ‘cherry pick’, or other. Further explanation is that “she will take you into the Boardroom, manage a household, strategies for answering e-mails, staying fit, and best utilization of my time.” Next, a commendatory Forward, and an Introduction explaining some of her educational and preceding entrepreneurial, as well as marriage/child bearing background, and her observance that “an industry that’s rife with regulation and inefficiency: it’s also ripe for disruption”. Also what assuming a position of CEO in another area would entail. Ultimately, the book opens with the first of ten chapters that provide material about things she did and discovered in her preceding position. The rest of the chapters discuss “Pivot versus Quit: when the going gets tough”; how to transition; hacking the health care industry; managing a board and/or other critical stakeholders; mentorship; leading a team; balancing mom, athlete, entrepreneur, executive; work hard, play hard; twenty-three mini-hacks you never knew you needed; a Conclusion to “keep swinging”; Appendix: reading list; More from Alyssa which includes a sizable number of pictures of her starting in childhood, her family and with  persons of importance in political and/or managerial positions.

Discussion: This book is another in the burgeoning number of books on entrepreneurial activity, CEO positions and management thereof as start-ups and/or changing such positions. However, it is set forth here from a less often encountered perspective, As such, it should be of particular interest to the growing number of women breaking through the ‘glass ceiling’ to take their place among the ‘elite group’ of business leaders. The relevance of certain parts of material included definitely would appear to be of greatest interest to this particular segment, but a large amount of the material presented is relevant to any reader contemplating similar activity. Instruction begins with the very first chapter when she provides a summary of the first 8 hacks and proceeds to offer more detail, following with 9-14 in chapter 2 and several more in each succeeding chapter, except for chapter 8 which details Life Hack #65. Chapter 9 concludes the total number of 77. Chapter 10 provides a few more of those that “have been most meaningful to” the author and pertain to “kids, partners, dual-career households, bodies, technology – and quinoa.”

Conclusion: A ‘different’ perspective on entrepreneurial/CEO development/management no doubt attuned to the increasing number of women advancing in this area. However, anyone interested in business affairs will discover a large number of the suggestions to be meaningful and helpful.

4* Most helpful for target audience; many suggestions valuable to all.

Grant Writing

GRANT WRITING Monkey Publishing, copyright and written by Mary Gladstone-Highland.

In setting forth this book Sub-titled “The Complete Workbook for Writing Grant Proposals that Win”, the author has presented remarkably detailed instructions on preparation of these extremely important tools that aid an investigator/project manager in attempting to obtain money required to start, continue and/or expand his/her or organization’s activities. It contains 3 parts Pre-Grant Writing, Grant Writing and Post Grant Writing. Part 1 provides introductory material for the newbie along with helpful suggestions for all. It contains the first 8 chapters with the first an overall presentation; 2 – documents required and details; 3 – digital reputation, importance and management; 4 – research and its importance; 5 – connections, people and organizations; 6 – importance of following exactly grantors rules; 7 – discussion of importance of differences in level and areas covered by funders, e.g. local vs federal, NIH vs NSF; 8 – language importance, e.g. Mark Twain Quote; “Substitute damn for every time you’re inclined to write very; your editor will delete it and the writing will be as it should be.” Part 2 contains the next 4 chapters with 9 – the organizational information required; 10 – how to best present the reasons for your ‘need’ for the funding; 11 – your evaluation of the impact anticipated by your project if funded; 12 – additional documents to be included. Part 3 contains chapter 13 which provides the grant writer with some of the most important follow-up suggestions. Three appendices and an Application Template terminate the book.

Discussion: The author has provided an extremely valuable amount of data for any individual or organization desirous of obtaining funding from any source. The material is set forth in a relatively concise and easily understood manner.  One of the perhaps more helpful, although granted somewhat awkwardly presented, features is the presentation of answers provided in Appendix I to grant proposals provided at the end of each chapter, The reader is supplied with the ‘test’ grant proposal and referred to this appendix where the proper answer is supplied ‘from the perspective of a grantor’. Also most helpful, Appendix III presents application examples and the Template provided is a valuable addition. (Personal opinions of a person once quite involved in preparing grant applications.)

5* Must read for any one/organization contemplating grant proposal.

Challenging Everything

Challenging Everything ISBN: 9781946633873 Forbes Books copyright and written by Scott Cullather & Kristina McCoobery.

The book opens with the usual acknowledgements, an interestingly titled “Tick Tick Tick Boom” prologue followed by a Part One: The Story which contains 4 chapters that also have intriguing titles – Why INVNT? Why Live? Challenge Everything, and Secret Sauce: The Tribe. Part Two: The Work follows with 3 somewhat less uniquely named chapters that explain their business and another that also is a uniquely titled epilogue: Fired/Acquired/Fired/ Reacquired. A short Biography of the authors and list of references completes the book.

Discussion: This is an unusual presentation from a number of perspectives. First, it is the story of the structuring of a company based upon an idea arising from the changes appearing with the advent and growth of new technology. It details the building, operation and activities of the organization whose job is to prominently present a company’s or organization’s product by presenting a show, e.g. “The Genesis Mint Concept launch was the first official event in New York’s Hudson Yards.” (They present similar productions worldwide as a highly successful “story telling agency” with branches distributed in several key sections of the world,.) Second, it describes the unusual manner in which this entrepreneurial couple actually were forced to proceed. Third, the innovative additions they have made to advertising, and fourth, the unique manner in which they divested themselves of the company only to re-acquire it two years later.

Three particularly helpful features of the book are 1 – their listing of “From Chaos to Clarity: The 7 Steps of INVNTion™”; 2 – their “Performance Content and the Big Power of Small Data”, which describes their application of a narrative-led innovation-inspired “Performance Content’ that is “a collaborative of creators, strategists, innovators and producers combined for the first time with the latest in predictive analytics.” Specifically, it “uses algorithmic formulas to leverage over 220 million minutes of video that’s been tagged with a variety of relevant meta data points, like ethnicity, gender, place, time, color, celebrity, and non-celebrity.” The results allow them to predict the probable acceptance level of a product from their proposed design. 3 – the “core” of INVNT, described as a “Makers’ Dozen” that provides “a can’t fail toolbox of twelve universal ideas and practices that we believe can be applied successfully to any endeavor, whether that’s harnessing the power of live to build a brand, developing your team’s capabilities, starting your own business, navigating your career inside a large organization, or just effectively inventing your future,”

Summary: Most helpful presentation for the entrepreneurial mind.

5* for ‘niche’ group; great entrepreneurial thoughts for all.

Take Care of Your People

Take Care of your People ISBN: 9781946633675 ForbesBooks copyright and written by Paul Sarvadi.

This book “The Enlightened CEO’s Guide to Business Success” opens with words of praise from other CEO’s followed by a forward, acknowledgements and thirteen chapters. Chapter One ‘sets the stage’ for the ensuing message; the 2nd explains there are ten strategies that will provide arriving at one’s goal; Chapters three through twelve discuss each of the individual strategies. Two, for example, offers techniques for “Finding, hiring and keeping the best”; Three provides specifics for dealing with the always problematical issue of compensation and rewards; Three discusses protecting you and your company in legal matters, especially during periods of almost constantly changing regulations; etc. The last chapter entitled, “Should we continue the conversation?” explains how the “Professional Employer Organization (PEO) Insperity provides the freedom to do what you do best: running and growing a business.” Further: “We serve you tactically as a partner, but like any good partner, you play an active role…. We provide you unparalleled expertise and essential new capabilities so that you can do your job better.” They then list the specifics they include and provide a contact address.

Discussion: This offering is another in the burgeoning number of books being published to aid the huge number of companies struggling to continue to grow and increase their bottom line. Again, it is well-written and certainly provides a number of worthwhile suggestions to aid both the beginner as well no doubt as the numerous mid-sized organizations as they proceed toward their individual goals. The main thrust seems to suggest that they can provide a most worthwhile service by partnering with interested persons.

4* Business self-help with some specific partnering emphasis.


LEAN ON the Five Pillars of Support for Women in Leadership ISBN: 9781642250824 Advantage Media Press copyright and written by Andreas Wilderer.

The book opens with a sizable number of comments by CEO’s and other highly placed individuals praising the author’s presentation. This is followed by the usual copyright and publication material and then an interesting dedication: “This book is dedicated to all the amazing women who follow their dreams and reach for the stars and to everyone who supports them on their journey. And to my wonderful wife, Mirka and our children Dominik and Viktoria, who supported me in writing this book.” There follows an introduction admonishing the necessity to design the ‘pillars of support’ strongly, but then to be sure that the structure is constantly re-examined to access its  condition so that no deterioration that could lead to eventual collapse can occur. It further explains that in order to properly describe this sound foundation of the Five Pillars – Partnership, Family, Workplace, Society and Self – the manner in which they must function together as one unit requires the ensuing chapters (although having some individual attributes) largely to be focused on selective combinations; e.g. workplace and society. The ensuing 9 chapters along with a Conclusion provide the material in exactly this manner. A few of the many fine bits of important information offered are: the overall necessity for each individual contemplating entering this alternative life-style to thoroughly analyze and truthfully examine his/her ability to function comfortably in a society where a long accepted manner of man/woman/work/home/children functions have been ingrained as ‘the norm’ for generations; the necessity of being able to make their children understand why dad is Mr. MOM so they can face children from traditional households, i.e., They must be taught and be able to understand the importance of gaining sensitivity and compassion so as to break free of gender stereotypes and learn they don’t need to fit into anyone else’s mold; the worker must learn not to micromanage a home situation or the reverse; the absolute need to be open-minded and fair in all situations; apply many if not all of the features of running a business to managing a successful home relationship; and many more.

Discussion: The author has provided a fascinating and most important discussion of a subject that appears to be most appropriate and greatly needed because of the thrust of many new directions that have arisen in today’s society. The reversal of mother/father relationships is only one of the new directions. Modern society and more importantly its children, also are facing and attempting to cope with the growth of single parentage, same sex parents, divorced parents, dual sets of parents and more. Millennials have made initial efforts to change the structure of society and we only can stand by to see if these frequently brilliant entrepreneurial minds can, and are willing to, think beyond their seemingly self-centered interests to solve the problems arising from the conflicts facing children when faced with unfortunately often cruel words and actions of the still existent majority of children from traditional families.

5* Much needed initial discussion. Highly recommended.

Keeping Score with GRIT

Keeping Score with Grit ISBN: 9781946633538 ForbesBooks copyright and written by Shawn Burcham.

     This book contains a Forward, Introduction, eleven chapters, a Conclusion, a Bonus Chapter – GRIT  Business Coaching – Acknowledgements, About the Author, and Our Services. In the Introduction, the author provides a statement attributed to Stephen Wright of an answer to the time-worn question “If you were shipwrecked and could have one book, what would it be?” The answer: “I always say, How to Build a Boat.” The quote alerts the reader to expect the following material to reflect thoughts from a mind seriously and rather uniquely directed toward forward thinking and solving problems. There follows an explanation of how the material to follow arose from his late introduction to one book that changed his entire attitude. It discussed all of the challenges he faced in his entrepreneurial endeavors. From this point forward he read extensively, went to work solving his problems and decided ultimately to share what he had discovered “to help ANYONE become more successful in business and financial literacy, and to teach people how to mentally change in order to consistently improve as a person.”

     Discussion: The author opens in a most interestingly conversational manner explaining his experience as a newly rated pilot flying home when a door blows open forcing him to land the crippled aircraft by making the right decisions at the proper times. NTSB, the governing body investigating all plane crashes, report the majority of plane crashes result from pilot error. Instinctively he suddenly realized that business failures also invariably resulted from CEO/Management (Pilot) error. As founder/CEO of the highly successful PTSbrands he must make decisions that affect “more than 130 different families and the loved ones of the employee-owners who work alongside of me,” the decisions affect 1500+ locations promoting their brands from Washington to Florida with a $60 million plus revenue and with a current trajectory toward 5,000 nationwide locations. His narrative continues in an easy-to-read, plain-spoken manner to provide a blue print written “to inspire other entrepreneurs”, “encourage other business owners and leaders to communicate more openly with their employees so that they can be more engaged at work”, “help people to better themselves”, “help leaders to become more aware of their strengths and weaknesses to enable them to become better leaders”.

     Conclusion: One of the easiest to read books for entrepreneurs this reviewer has read. Highly recommended,

5* Easy to read. Highly recommended.

Journey From Poor Procrastinator

The Journey from Poor Procrastinator to Invested Millennial self-published, copyright and written by Jeremy Kho.

The book’s Preface describes the author’s journey from his birth in the 1980’s in a Southeast Asian country where his family earned “barely a middle income”, through his childhood with the area’s financial crisis where his parents showed him the importance of education. The “Asian financial turmoil in 1997, the Internet Bubble in 2000, and the financial crisis between 2008 and 2011” all took their effect, “but as a Y-Generation, he never experienced a real crisis. However, “In the year 2010-2011, as a newbie in the business world, everything seemed fine …” His personal financial crisis was beneath the surface, however. He made mistakes that stemmed from “greed, speculation and some kind of procrastination” and this book is an effort to provide others with the knowledge he acquired from these experiences. An introduction, eighteen chapters, “Additional Resources for You”, a Conclusion and Disclaimer follow. The chapters describe the activities that lead to financial procrastination and the many simple methods employed. It follows with the cost these generate; how to equate time with money; the important elements to incorporate within yourself that are necessary to become financially independent; and the necessity to ‘shift gears’ mentally for ultimate attainment of your goals.

Discussion: This book sets forth the elements described in others of the rather rapidly growing number of books now being written about ‘how to handle one’s financial situation’. It is a somewhat more simplistically written book than others I’ve read and, similar to those more recently reviewed, directed more specifically at one particular population. But again, it serves to provide the same basics required to succeed.

4* Should be helpful for targeted population; probably others.

The Retirement Smile

Your Retirement Smile ISBN: 9781599329567, Advantage, copyright and written by Dr. Mark McClellan and Tim Streid.

The book opens with several notations of praise for an Orthodontist and an Accountant, the authors, and proceeds to an Introduction, Eight chapters, Acknowledgements, About Macro Wealth, and About Management. The Introduction, “Nobody Likes a Pay Cut”, discusses the generally held belief that everyone tacitly accepts the fact that retirement means a pay cut that hopefully is no more than fifty per cent. The authors declare that such a reduction should not be as inevitable as most believe. The first chapter, “The Fight for your Money”, follows with the fact that there are two approaches, accumulation and acceleration, and that the rules are dependent upon the government, financial institutions and corporations. Thus, taxes, fees, commissions, bad advice and scams all play a part with that of corporations coming largely from built-in obsolescence. The next chapter, “The Big Money Picture” discusses the three phases of wealth – accumulation, distribution and preservation and initiates the need to actually have several sources of income before as well as after retirement. The rest of this chapter, along with those ensuing, build upon this idea and explain how too often individuals find it most difficult to leave the long heavily- touted conventional paths of saving for retirement. In turn, they provide a blueprint for living life to its fullest while working toward retiring and yet being able to reach and continue this same level of little to no loss of income through this period. They also stress the importance of having a personal ‘coach’ in this journey. That it is no less a requirement for your financial security than is such a presence required for attainment of maximum performance in any endeavor. The book closes with final remarks, “About Wealth Management” which provides, in some length, the two authors’ credits with respect to providing the proposed service. A list of pertinent references and another summary of the material already presented and summarized conclude the book.

Discussion: According to the authors’ declaration, this book has been directed at members of the Dental Profession, and most examples set forth are from scenarios by members of this group. Also, most notations of praise are from the same source. Thus fundamentally, all examples and recommendations employ sizeable sums of money. Similarly, much activity recommended also speaks of large quantities of money. The reader further encounters a seemingly excessive amount of repetition and/or an unnecessary belaboring of points already made. No doubt this is the result of well-meaning efforts to explain their feeling of ‘need’ to save the reader from following the time worn path that so generally is accepted and instead to move into the forward thinking plan they are suggesting.

Summary: Presentation of a new approach to retirement that provides excellent suggestions, in at least for this reader, a ‘hard sell’ package that would be much more palatable with judicious editing.

3* 5* ideas; -2 for reasons explained.

The Changemaker

The Changemaker ISBN 9781946633736 Forbes Media copyright and written by Deke Copenhaver.

Sub-titled “The art of building better leaders” opens with several statements of praise for the book and its author followed by publication details; a forward; acknowledgements; about the author; timeline; introduction; nine chapters; “a parting word”, Passing the Baton to the Next Changemakers”; and more about deke”. The author admonishes that a Changemaker is “somebody who’s not afraid to do something different in the service of a good cause” and describes 7 attributes of such individuals; asks “What kind of Leader are you? Stresses the importance of creativity; Courage to Weather the Storm; importance of Coming Together; need to listen so you can learn from others; the requirement of transparency in all activities; dire need to remain calm, composed and lead on during times of trouble; and perhaps the most essential requirement, to follow your moral compass. Each chapter expands upon its subject matter and provides a helpful list of activities apropos to the subject in hand.

Discussion: This is a well-written book by an intelligent non-politician who had the temerity to run, and serve, for 3 terms (2005-2014) as Mayor of Augusta, Georgia. He was eminently successful by travelling a path quite different from the usual track espoused by career politicians. The individual chapters tell how it was accomplished and provides the reader with step by step directions how to become such a leader. Although containing some redundancy, an unfortunate feature of written material presented by anyone accustomed to speaking engagements, this is a well-written blueprint for any person desirous of attaining a high level of expertise in leadership.

5* Worthwhile read for any aspiring leader.