Master Your Financial Success

Master Your Financial Success ISBN: 9781628656800 Published and copyright by Authors Place Press written by 14 Authors Place Financial planners.

The book opens with a disclaimer and an introduction that explains that the authors of this book wanted “to give back by educating others how to address several meaningful areas that impact everyone’s financial planning lives. We are hopeful you will learn something new and be inspired to action at the same time, as even the best intentions that are never implemented can prove worthless, if not tragic.” Eleven chapters follow that cover different aspects of financial planning. One –“Retirement is a New Dawn” explains and offers suggestions for you to “Define your Future” and assess the many opportunities, both good and bad, awaiting you because of the many changes that have occurred. “It almost certainly will not be your parents’ retirement.” Two discusses Financial Stewardship and how important is “Proper financial stewardship (because it) exponentially increases value; conversely improper financial stewardship dramatically dilutes value.” Three discusses “Financial Planning for Today’s Unique Family” which may consist of a single parent, same sex parents and more. Four, is a somewhat more specialized chapter in that it deals with “Advanced Planning for Senior Executives” Five, discusses “Generation Wealth Planning and admonishes “You have prepared your wealth for your family .  .  .  but have you prepared your family for your wealth?” Six, “Creative Strategies to Preserve Family Wealth” and Seven, “Considerations for a Business Owner” like chapter Four, again are a little more specialized. Eight – “Investing Demystified” provides basics of the activity. Nine – “Corporate Retirement Plans” is heavy on 401(K) retirement plans, Ten– “Using Life Insurance in Financial Plans” provides interesting discussion on the subject. Eleven – discusses “Charitable Planning Strategies.

Discussion: The authors collectively have presented interesting and most credible suggestions in each area of their expertise. Readers no doubt will discover many useful, and quite possibly unthought-of points to consider in any of the areas defined. From this reader’s perspective, this is a quite valuable contribution to individuals who have managed to attain a somewhat greater position and/or collection of wealth but unfortunately it is not exactly geared to those lower on the ladder of business or monetary attainment.

3* 5* for those at higher levels of accomplishment; limited otherwise.

Monkey Money Mind

Monkey Money Mind ISBN: 9781946633712 Forbes Books Copyright and written by Chris Zadeh and Angeliyue Schouten.

Subtitled “How to Stop Monkeying Around with Your Money” this book provides brief notes about the authors followed by an Introduction commenting on “Making Sense of How We Use our Cents” followed by nine chapters of suggestions, an Epilogue, The Silverback (gorilla), 179 pertinent bibliographic notes and finally an extensive Bibliography listed alphabetically. The authors explain that the Money Monkey Mind is “a hybrid of two concepts; it’s the psychological influences on our financial decisions blended with the Buddhist concept of the monkey mind, “the presence within us that remains restless and unsettled, criticizing our decisions, creating doubt, and stifling our creativity…. affect even the most brilliant financial giants.” The rational mind may focus on the future but the Monkey Money Mind focuses only on the present seeing only the next tree branch with the next piece of fruit – instant gratification. The concept is based upon the fact that “only a few shreds of DNA separate humans from apes. In fact, we share more than 96 percent of our genetic composition – a percentage ten times smaller than the genetic difference between rats and mice.” In other words, even the most knowledgeable individuals suffer occasionally from the urge for instant gratification, or taking the less demanding route our more rational side dictates. Each chapter examines a different phase of this troubling activity and provides helpful suggestions toward making the correct decision. Simple choices are examined with test proven results that readers may find surprising; e.g. is winning of a physical prize such as a car, expensive piece of jewelry, or other more gratifying than winning money? And why? The results often are offered from studies of unusual sources such as the NFL. Other factors are discussed using equally interesting subjects of brand loyalty, Inattention blindness, gambler’s fallacy, the trouble with easy payments, getting over irrational (and expensive) fear of loss, expert addiction, the importance of making your own decision and more.

Discussion: The authors, both of whom have experienced lean money times from childhood, have produced an interesting discussion and provided most viable suggestions on how to deal with this monster of a subject. Further, they have done so in a simple, readily understood manner, reciting study results of pertinent examples from unusual test groups. The summary suggestions pertinent to each subject discussed also neatly provide ‘take away’ thoughts. This book is well worth a reader’s time.

5* Nicely presented discussion and suggestions of a most important subject.


EMPOWERED published by Lasting Press, is a book copyright with ISBN #’s for Mobi, Epub, Paperback and Hardcover and was written by Dominica Lumanazar.

Sub-titled “The Business Owner’s Guide to Leadership and Success” this book presents a more inclusive than usual Disclaimer, the usual dedication, Preface, and Introduction followed by 3 Parts. Part I, entitled “Leading For Success”, consists of 5 chapters – on fundamentals of leadership, spotlighting your business, company history, your mindset with respect to how thoughts/emotions affect work and the necessity for discovering a work/life balance. Part II, Business Value has 4 chapters discussing relationships, company branding, marketing and retention of customers. Part III, Business Clarity, contains 3 chapters centered on the “Habits of Successful Leaders”, “Course Correction” and “Stay the Course”. A conclusion, Acknowledgments, a few References, About the Author and Notes containing more reference material terminate the presentation.

Discussion: A large portion of the book fundamentally is similar to most books of this type – positive thinking. However, here it is provided in a much broader sense and with unusual, interesting and pertinent introductory material that describes an author who has learned the necessities required to succeed in business quite literally ‘the hard way’. As an amusing aside, thoughts of this opening material somehow pop up later during the author’s discussion of “Branding” and the importance of ‘what you are providing’. The material itself discusses the emotional side of business and how it should be controlled and directed; the need to recharge your batteries; the need to recognize when to turn the business over to another CEO; how to avoid isolation and to ‘connect’; importance of ‘branding’; the importance of the 5 second rule – which parenthetically is based upon the latest research results that today’s average human attention span has dropped to 8.1 seconds, which I’ve heard is about that of a goldfish; and above all, the need for constant and extensive research – about the needs or desires for your product(s), the individuals who will be interested; how to interest additional; course correction if needed and more. The author further admonishes that you should work ON your business not IN it and above all ‘stay the course’. Most importantly perhaps is that she presents numerous lists of suggestions on how to proceed to accomplish each of her main points. The book’s Conclusion fits well with introductory remarks bringing closure to the story and the unusual acknowledgements are quite in character with the overall approach. References and notes presented are appropriate as is a short interesting piece about the author’s personal accomplishments.

5* Author’s unusual, conversationally set forth advice ‘learned the hard way’.

Health Wealth For You 11 Steps to save you money

Health-Wealth for You ISBN: 9781642250817, Advantage Media Group, copyright and written by Josh Luke.

This volume, sub-titled “11 Steps to save Big & Live Healthy”, opens with a pertinent Preface, and is followed by three Parts. Part I, “Healthcare in America: Where Capitalism went Wrong” that contains 4 chapters – The affordability crisis, A culture of greed; A system broken beyond repair; and Millennial Culture meets Healthcare: Keeping Patients Healthy and at Home. Part II, “Ownership of Healthcare Decisions and Spending’ contains 2 short chapters, #5 explaining that “Americans Must Become EHC’s – Engaged Healthcare Consumers”; #6 “Creating a Health-Wealth Family Culture”. Part III; “11 Steps to Save Big and Live Healthy”, sets forth and describes in detail individual strategies to accomplish these goals. These include such actions as: “Enroll in an alternative Insurance Model”; “Engage in Integrative and Functional Medicine Approaches”; “Full Genome Sequencing and DNA Testing”; “Participate in Local Tourism” and more. A Conclusion follows along with a “3P Plan to Personal Health-Wealth: Personal Health-Wealth Plan”; a short reiteration of the “11 Steps to Save Big and Live Healthy”; a “Health-Wealth Personal Loss Assessment Sample” and a “Wealth Certified Partners” – a list of 24 references the author suggests to be worthwhile reading.

Discussion: The first part of the book is simply a shortened version of much of his book “Ex-Acute” and repeated in “Health-Wealth for You: 9 Steps to Financial Recovery”. This latter purportedly was directed more specifically to members of the business sector. However, at least to this reviewer, the direction appeared to be directed at least equally to the consumer. Regardless, from my perspective, if you have read this second book and understood the implications, there is little new for you in this author’s third book. I had highly recommended the volume with a necessary caveat included. IF however, you did NOT understand the material I strongly recommend that you read and absorb the suggestions set forth here in Part III because, with his stated desire to present this volume specifically for the consumer, he has provided quite extensive discussion of each individual suggestion that should answer most questions the average reader could have. As a pertinent aside, I might suggest for readers in the US, as I did for my review of the author’s last book (similarly noted by other readers) that one should not be ‘sidetracked’ by references made by the author that conjure up political overtones. Instead concentrate on the really helpful suggestions offered by the main theme. The author has prescribed a most viable and helpful way to face the burgeoning health costs everyone experiences.

3* 5* for those as described; at least -2* for reasons presented.

Africa Rise and Shine

AFRICA Rise and Shine ISBN: 9781945533408 ForbesBooks, copyright and written by Jim Ovia.

This book consists of 30 intensely interesting chapters, notes about the Jim Ovia Foundation Programs and Resources, 2 Appendices and a list of most worthwhile “Recommendations for Further Reading”. It is the story of a young Nigerian boy who lost his father at a very early age but who, through the foresight of a struggling mother and help from an older brother, managed not only to finish his schooling but extend it far beyond. As a result and in true entrepreneurial style, he established a bank with its first office actually in part of a duplex apartment house. From these humble beginnings, it grew to be the leading bank in Nigeria with assets of more than 16 billion. But beyond this, he initiated an internet service where none existed, established a telephone service to replace a poorly functioning government run facility, constructed a new highway leading to his bank, and established numerous other national and international relationships of great worth not only of great value to his bank but to his country as well. A country incidentally that is the largest in the entire African nation.

Discussion: In actuality, there is little more that can be said about this highly intelligent and motivated man. He has exhibited all of the traits of an entrepreneur, but has slanted them in a rarely seen altruistic manner. Additionally, it provides a completely different picture of Africa, than more usually is set forth. Thus, this book not only is highly recommended, but in a manner this reviewer seldom employs. It is one which a reader cannot afford NOT to read.


Breathe, Sleep, Live, Smile

Breathe, Sleep, Live, Smile ISBN: 9781599329208 Advantage Media Group, copyright and written by Dr. Lynn Lipskis and Dr. Edmund Lipskis.

Sub-titled “Integrative treatment for TMJ, sleep apnea and orthodontics”, this book sets forth the close interrelationship that exists among these elements and others. It opens with statements by two professional mentors who have provided much inspiration for the authors’ accomplishments and is followed by a forward that is reciprocally complimentary. Then an Introduction describes their “Journey for Answers”. Next, ten chapters describe various aspects of the many problems that may be encountered, as well as the treatments they provide for resolution; a Conclusion; facts “About the Authors”; “Our Services” and finally, a list of 35 pertinent references.

Discussion: This is the second book on this subject I have read recently and believe that this increased awareness of a relationship between the oral cavity and the rest of the body is perhaps one of the more significant and necessary advances to have occurred in dentistry in quite a number of years. This volume has been written by two dental professionals – one who had been a long-time sufferer with TMJ pain; the other, a skilled Orthodontist. Together they read and studied endlessly so as eventually to solve not only the personal problem, but to establish a closely knit group with practitioners in numerous disciplines. The reason for such interaction is obvious but seemingly long ignored by most in the dental profession. Specifically, breathing difficulties, or with the TMJ, a pain in the back, even in one’s feet, may result from, or be interrelated with, oral developmental problems, and as the authors describe, even the reverse can be true. The specialty of their office is to perform orthopedic/orthodontic therapy through non-surgical means that will eliminate/repair distortions of the skull arising from functional problems and/or breathing difficulties that are developing or have developed. Their most important initiating step is to perform a complete examination and evaluation of the patient. With these results in hand and with their wide knowledge of the interrelationship between all body parts and functions, they now are ready to proceed OR to refer them to the proper individual for treatment. These may be sleep physicians, orthopedists, endocrinologists, psychologists, podiatrists, and more.

Conclusion: This is a book containing a plethora of interesting material for the layman and nuggets of wisdom for many practitioners of dentistry, as well as medicine and health workers in general. Judicious editing would have removed the slightly annoying amount of repetition in the presentation. However, this seems to be a regrettable trend that is being encountered more frequently both in fiction and non-fiction these days.

5* Highly recommended for laymen as well as health professionals.

The Robot and Automation Almanac 2019

The Robot and Automation Almanac 2019 ISBN: 9781946197153, Published and Copyright by Prestige Professional Publishing. Edited by Jason Schenker,

The mission of this book is to offer predictive information “For automation and robotics futurists everywhere.” It consists of several descriptions/analyses/conclusions independently written by prominent individuals considered to be most knowledgeable in their particular field of endeavor. The essays are gathered together by the editor who is Chairman of The Futurist Institute and a man who is one of the most eminent in the field. It is divided into four sections; One – Outlook for Robotics, that offers an ‘overview’ of Automation and AI in 2019 including a look at the vectors for robotics advancement and a coming ‘day-of-reckoning’, and also predictions for the future of AI as well as robotics growth and quantum computing’s future in 2019. Two – examines Socializing Robots where various aspects are analyzed from the viewpoint of evolving perceptions, their ability to bridge industry and steam education, the fact that every chatbot now is a voicebot, who’s collaborating with whom and most importantly the need to overcome existing fear with respect to robot/human interoperability and labor replacement fears. Three – examines Socializing Robots from the perspective of how these factors will power innovation, be it in transportation, construction or the advent of “smart cities” and also the further advance of Blockchain and automation in the financial services sector. Section Four – Robots in the Supply Chain examines/ analyzes/ predicts the effects that will result from advancing innovation in this necessary section of the economy. Relatively brief material About the Futurist Institute, About the Author, About the Publisher and Disclaimers terminate the book.

Discussion: The selection offers an interestingly varied view of these rapidly advancing technologies by several individuals prominent in their respective areas. As quoted above, the selection has been offered to update “futurists everywhere” with what is transpiring to treat the environmentally unsustainable and thus totally disastrous worldwide “tsunami of data” that “is expected to consume one fifth of the world’s energy use by 2025.” A few of the more interesting suggestions from this reviewer’s perspective: discussion of the fusion of the physical, digital and biological world by this “fourth Industrial Revolution”; the manner in which robot-human interrelationships will be developed for greatest gain and little actual loss in human man-hours; the growth of presently functioning “smart pilots” into fully developed “smart cities”. However, generally speaking and most regrettably from this reviewer’s perspective, this book provides a rather superficial overview with a considerable amount of repetition, Further, there often is a seeming suggestion that each essayist and/or the approach offered can provide the most authoritative answers. Thus, judicious editing and perhaps greater essayist coordination would seem to have eliminated considerable portions of both problems, although having read several of the editor’s books, a similar inclination also seems to pervade his writing. But perhaps his impressive qualifications and positions make his stance more acceptable.

3* Interesting, but rather superficial discussion/predictions for 2019 technology.

Do Good to Lead Well

DO GOOD to LEAD WELL ISBN: 9781946633026. ForbesBooks, copyright and written by Craig Bowden, PhD.

Subtitled, The Science and Practice of Positive Leadership, the book opens with a quite extensive list of persons acknowledged to be helpful in the author’s journey followed by an admission that he always has been “fascinated by how people related to one another and how that differed so much from person to person, even when faced with the same situation”. Resultantly he majored in psychology “to learn more about the perceptual and emotional elements of human behavior”. An introduction to industrial-organizational psychology resonated particularly well because “Although people have personalities that are fascinating and diverse, organizations also have personalities (i.e. cultures) that are just as complex.” Studying the two simultaneously presented an irresistible challenge that led to extensive study and culminated in his eventual establishment of “a firm focused on supporting clients in achieving leadership and organizational excellence by leveraging the science of peak performance.” The substance of this volume provides the basics upon which he believes this achievement of excellence rests. Specifically, 6 Pillars – Self-Awareness, Civility, Humility, Focus on the Positive, Meaning and Purpose, and Empathy – each of which he discusses at length with supporting evidence gained from numerous scientifically designed and validated tests. An Appendix provides valuable assessment details of the meaning of scores obtained on selected tests; then an extensive list of references follows and the book concludes with a few notes About the Author.

Discussion: The author has published another in the increasing number of books to provide help to companies, their CEO’s and their various team members as they attempt to stay abreast of their fast moving and rapidly changing work environment. Many have provided valuable material. This particular volume would appear to provide a much greater quantity of helpful material than the others, however, simply because it is not based on one person’s discoveries. Instead the lessons provided here are based on well-designed tests repeatedly given and re-analyzed until results could definitely be validated. On a personal note, two features discussed here were most interestingly presented – the fact that Empathy can be learned and that the Golden Rule might be re-examined from a different perspective; viz. Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you might not be compatible with what they believe is what they might want. One example provided was a manager who thrived on recognition might not be providing a thoughtful ‘award’ by bringing a person who preferred to be more reclusive to a prominent stage to receive the ‘award’.

5* Important must read for every ‘thinking’ person.


HEALTH-WEALTH for You ISBN: 9781642250817, Advantage Media Group, an e-book copyright and written by Dr. Josh Luke.

The book opens with a Forward by Dave Chase, Cofounder, Health Rosetta who explains that he has been working with the author in sharing a “passion for reducing unnecessary spending by thousands empowering people to take responsibility and restoring the American dream by instead (of spending unnecessarily on health care) investing money saved to education and communities. Between Dr. Luke’s first book and Health Rosetta, Businesses have the tools to do their part. Now, it’s your turn.” Next presented are the reasons why the time is now to take charge of your health care and reduce the cost. A Preface then explains the advantages of becoming an EHC, (an Engaged Healthcare Consumer) from lessons learned from past experience and providing suggestions on “How to read and apply health-wealth for you.” The main substance of the book then is provided in 3 parts. Part I examines “Healthcare in America: Where Capitalism went wrong” and consists of 3 chapters – The affordability crisis, A culture of greed; A system broken beyond repair; a 4th examining the effect Millennial Culture thought-patterns have provided to healthcare. Part II contains chapter 5 explaining the importance of becoming an EHC and 6 concerns creation of a health-wealth family culture. Part III provides the sets forth “11 Steps to Save Big and Live Healthy. A Conclusion. A Health-Wealth Personal Loss Assessment Sample and 24 references conclude the book.

Discussion: The first part of the book is virtually a shortened version of much of his book Ex-Acute which he mentions several times here in his discussions. The second part is an expansion of material also set forth in Ex-Acute. Part III is the actual ‘meat’ of this entire presentation and sets forth 11 steps include enrolling in an Alternate Insurance Model and employing the multitude of additional methods developed that produce better health and associated cost reduction. Much depends upon an “integrative and functional approach and include such items as Genome Sequencing, DNA testing, AI, Blockchain, Telehealth, Remote Monitoring Services and more.

Summary: Part III of this book is a must read for anyone living anywhere in today’s world and requiring any healthcare assistance from the chaotic offerings available. And I mean anywhere. Great Britain’s record is poor as is that of most other countries in Europe. Interestingly, even Sweden’s top listed health system is again changing because it has been found to suffer the exact problems encountered in the U.S. and Canada’s system is nowhere as adequate as that provided in the United States. So, from this reviewer’s perspective, the only disappointing feature of this presentation is the same as that found in his preceding book – introduction of a particular form of government, capitalism, as the culprit to which he repeatedly shunts the blame for healthcare’s inadequacies. The author most assuredly IS correct about the importance of ‘the-bottom-line’ to many individuals as being rampant in the present system. However, because human nature NEVER will allow much more than a modicum of altruism to exert itself regardless of the method of health care being provided, and individuals always are going to ‘find a way to beat any laws established’ it would seem to be an error to blame the ‘system’ whether it be capitalistic, socialistic or some other provider. My concern with blaming one form of government as totally responsible for the multiple problems encountered is that readers may fail to concentrate on the importance of his message. Instead, many may pounce upon still another element to add to the growing belief in the need within the United States for a more socialistic form of government. Cuba, Argentina and other South American countries and more recently Venezuela, have shown this form of government has not demonstrated any improvement in healthcare for their countries. Health care under the Russia regimes has been abominable and above I have just pointed out European countries’ problems. Thus, if nothing better is available, that which is provided appears to be better than others touted. Furthermore as the author discusses, better healthcare models gradually are evolving but fails to mention the ever rising costs needed simply to develop the myriad programs. So, to petition the prospective reader, PLEASE do not permit your attention to be redirected to a political theme, when the problem is one with which every form of government has been forced to accept and attempt to manage. So to somewhat paraphrase the conclusion rendered for the author’s last book, this truly is a MUST read for anyone and everyone in the United States who has, is, or will require any level of healthcare. I hope the reader as well as the author will understand and accept my apologies for my reaction to his repeated mentioning inadequacies of one manner of governing as the main culpable reason for the country’s healthcare problems. I sincerely believe that such placement of blame can only add to the horrendously and dangerously chaotic political situation now rampant within the country – one that certainly is not ‘healthy for the country’ nor those living there.

3*    5* Recommended Read; 3* required sincere caveat.

Interconnectivity: Flow and Balance

Interconnectivity, FLOW and BALANCE ISBN: 9780578202662 Organizational Soul, Ltd. copyright and written by Yvette Bethel.

Sub-titled: A Values Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times, this book, after an Introduction explaining who can benefit from this book and how to use it to get the most out of it, is written in 3 major parts containing eighteen chapters. Part I contains seven, presenting the basic components for understanding her Interconnectivity, Flow and Balance (IFB) Model. Part II, is comprised of chapters eight through eleven and provide the material necessary for Establishing Your Pillar of Trust. Part III, contains chapters twelve through eighteen that provide the essential elements required to formulate IFB BY DESIGN. A Bibliography, End Notes, a Glossary of terms used, About the Author and a list of Other Products by Yvette Bethel conclude the book.

Discussion: The author is a Fulbright Scholar who has progressed to be recognized as an “advanced emotional intelligence practitioner” and who, after twenty years’ service in a Fortune 500 Company, founded her own consulting firm offering help to organizations encountering difficulties in the constantly changing milieu of today’s business transactions. In this book she has examined in quite minute detail the large number of ways emotional elements can affect those involved in business proceedings and in turn, their effect on the proceedings and eventual outcome of a transaction. The material can be of utmost value to numerous business operations. From this reader’s perspective, the only undesirable feature of the book as presented, is the overabundance and repetition of minutia even though frequently couched in different terminology and settings. The basic material is excellent and will provide numerous elements that involve personnel in ways they often may not recognize. Nevertheless, it would seem that judicious editing would provide these important lessons in a more easily read form that would speed an otherwise rather ponderous read.

3*       5* extremely helpful material; 3* for ponderous presentation.