Grant Writing

GRANT WRITING Monkey Publishing, copyright and written by Mary Gladstone-Highland.

In setting forth this book Sub-titled “The Complete Workbook for Writing Grant Proposals that Win”, the author has presented remarkably detailed instructions on preparation of these extremely important tools that aid an investigator/project manager in attempting to obtain money required to start, continue and/or expand his/her or organization’s activities. It contains 3 parts Pre-Grant Writing, Grant Writing and Post Grant Writing. Part 1 provides introductory material for the newbie along with helpful suggestions for all. It contains the first 8 chapters with the first an overall presentation; 2 – documents required and details; 3 – digital reputation, importance and management; 4 – research and its importance; 5 – connections, people and organizations; 6 – importance of following exactly grantors rules; 7 – discussion of importance of differences in level and areas covered by funders, e.g. local vs federal, NIH vs NSF; 8 – language importance, e.g. Mark Twain Quote; “Substitute damn for every time you’re inclined to write very; your editor will delete it and the writing will be as it should be.” Part 2 contains the next 4 chapters with 9 – the organizational information required; 10 – how to best present the reasons for your ‘need’ for the funding; 11 – your evaluation of the impact anticipated by your project if funded; 12 – additional documents to be included. Part 3 contains chapter 13 which provides the grant writer with some of the most important follow-up suggestions. Three appendices and an Application Template terminate the book.

Discussion: The author has provided an extremely valuable amount of data for any individual or organization desirous of obtaining funding from any source. The material is set forth in a relatively concise and easily understood manner.  One of the perhaps more helpful, although granted somewhat awkwardly presented, features is the presentation of answers provided in Appendix I to grant proposals provided at the end of each chapter, The reader is supplied with the ‘test’ grant proposal and referred to this appendix where the proper answer is supplied ‘from the perspective of a grantor’. Also most helpful, Appendix III presents application examples and the Template provided is a valuable addition. (Personal opinions of a person once quite involved in preparing grant applications.)

5* Must read for any one/organization contemplating grant proposal.