A Death at the Potawatomi Club

A Death at the Potawatomi Club published by Durance, copyright and written by Stephen Timbers.

The author has written a suspense mystery that deals with the complicated subject of investment and banking houses and their inner interactivities including suggested selective locations in the Cayman Islands. The story centers on Charlie Bailey, who has ‘grown-up’ as part of the prestigious ‘upper crust’ of Chicago. Now owner and CEO of one of the most prestigious of these investment organizations, he has a large group of friends and acquaintances, and a new possible replacement for his beloved wife who died a couple of years previously in an auto accident. Also included are the police and a number of criminals, the latter both hired and business associates.

Discussion: The story is well-paced with significant periods of action as well as provision of fascinating material on the interactivity within the various trading houses and banks by their lawyers and other employees as well as independent brokers and traders. Added and interwoven is a running description of the detailed activity of the police, and their helpful relationship with the FBI, SEC and associated institutions when there are business irregularities, as well obviously,  as when a murder is to be investigated. Unfortunately, there were a number of proofing errors that were slightly annoying and the ultimate culprit was not particularly difficult to discern but generally speaking, the author has provided a most interesting, as well as highly entertaining, book.

4*  5*-1 as described in the discussion.