What if one and one is not two?

What if One plus One is not Two? by daniel r. mcmullan

From the very opening the author has provided a rather unusual book. It begins with a pre-pre-introduction “to provide definitions of writing-related words and clarity the “nonstandard” aspects of the format of writing that I will be using to write this book. If you are a human that reads writings in the English language “often”, then I recommend that you skip the pre-introduction, begin reading the introduction and simply refer back to the pre-introduction for writing-related word definitions and writing-format clarifications as needed. His explanation is that he will be providing definitions of many words and sets thereof that he thinks might be defined in a different way that he prefers to use and perhaps a manner that may introduce a ‘different’ manner in which to observe them. He provides examples in detail. These instructive chapters are followed by the main theme of questioning the world on various levels from his perspective of examining the veracity of the premises under which we live and whether they really are correct? Or are we accepting what we believe to be realities when actually they are not based on proven fact? Or do we really wish to live in this manner?

Discussion: The author has set forth a most interesting theme and discussed it from numerous aspects. Admittedly, transition from one’s ‘normal’ way of reading to adoption of the author’s concept takes time and admittedly is cumbersome in many ways as well as ‘over-simplified” in others. Some may well enjoy such seemingly ‘deep’ philosophical discussion, while other, perhaps more pragmatic individuals, will look upon this book with a certain amount of distain. Thus, and understandably, it is a book that probably will be read and assigned a widely ranging level of acceptance.

3* as discussed.