Tired and Hungry no More

Tired and Hungry no More ISBN: 978173693929, assumed published, copyright and written by Phyllis Ginsberg.

The contents of this book are set forth with the usual disclaimer, an introduction, overview and 6 parts. Part One, entitled Healthy Mind presents 3 sections – “Why your efforts haven’t worked”; “Where are you in your life?” and “Reaching your full potential.” Part Two, Healthy Energy, provides “The next big Frontier: Energy Healing” and “EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping with tapping scripts” which provides suggestions for 10 specific situations. Part Three, Healthy Sleep, has 3 sections discussing in order Poor Sleep, Melatonin, and suggestions for acquiring consistently good sleep. Part Four, Healthy Body, with separate attention to how to work with your body, why you should do it and provides “Options you may not have considered”.  Part Five, Healthy Eating, discusses your way of “Finding your way back to health” followed by risk factors, numerous ways to healthier eating with special attention to “Desserts, Holidays and Travel”. Part six prescribes “Healthy Recipes”. Acknowledgements, a short biography and a list of the author’s other offerings conclude the book.

Discussion: The author experienced an extremely difficult childhood. Her chronically ill mother necessitated her taking care of herself starting at a very early age and of her mother as well as she grew older. The situation ended even worse for the child as mother died when she was 15 leaving her with a consuming fear of the same fate. She gradually decided that the best way of fighting this fear was to actively attempt to establish and pursue a sensible course of action. She embarked upon this venture by first discovering her present physical state and learning how to make the changes required to live a happy and healthy life. She explains how to proceed because many are lonely, not knowing how to equate with others. They need ‘something to look forward to’- if you’re not satisfied with your life actively attempt to find something that is satisfying, but realize that it requires at least 21 days to establish a new habit (but can vary from 18 -254 days). From this point on, she provides

a series of suggestions that should be of great interest to many busy and overburdened individuals – a list of 7 “Quick and Easy Ways to Recharge your Battery”; a workable meditation method; techniques for “Energy Healing”; a tapping technique, described in detail, to aid in addressing several life disturbing sensations” along with other proven suggestions for a better night’s sleep; 4 steps to tuning into your body’s signals as listed and why it is so important. She progresses to explain the importance of the proper foods for mind as well as body; the necessity of awareness of what you’re eating and proposes and describes how to make a game of ‘buying’ your food each day at $1/calorie – a most effective manner in which to correct bad habits in adults but even more helpful in teaching children these valuable lessons. A large number of recipes provided also should be extremely helpful to the large number of individuals so involved in today’s frenetic activity.

Summary: The author has presented a somewhat unique approach to the time honored subject of ways and means to correct poor eating and living habits and has provided very viable techniques to accomplish this goal.

4* Pleasantly laid-back presentation of frequently offered advice.