Operation Africa


Operation Afrika. The Destroyers WWII Thriller Series Book One. Published, Copyright Sapere Books. Written by Charles Whiting.

This is the tale of a special group of British raiders led by Mark Crooke, a maverick/idealist born in 1911 and educated at Sandhurst with many changes leading to Lt. Col. 1941 after losing an eye and gaining a Victoria Cross Medal for his participation in an unsuccessful raid to remove the Nazi General Rommel. A year later, Court-martialed for insubordination and demoted to 2nd Lt. and returned to Egypt to head-up a group of misfits variously including a London Cockney, a Texas drifter who fought against Pancho Villa and in the Spanish War, former members of various Foreign Legions, a German escapee from Dachau and a Muslim, many with earned Military Medals, but most importantly, all had no future beyond their present assignment because all were recipients of military designated misdemeanors including murder.  They were a collection similar to one publicized and popular American Cinema that brought forward a move, originally believed to be initiated by Winston Churchill – an offer “deletion of Military records if surviving participation successfully in ‘lost cause’ action against the enemy. Their assignment now was to stop the movement of the Nazis straight across Africa to the Suez Canal and into Egypt, an action that would greatly affect Great Britain’s Empire.

Discussion: a well-written, high-octane Thriller replete with characters who constantly generate empathic understanding. This is a tale that devotees will find difficulty in laying down for even a few moments. It also presents most fascinating material with respect to the huge desert arena in which the action occurs.

5* highly recommended for the devotee plus interesting associated material

L.E.O.: The True Stories of Lt. Wayne Cotes.

l..E.O.: The true stories of Lt. Wayne Cotes ISBN: 9781983947332/EBook ISBN: Not assigned. Published in U.S. by Kindle Direct Publishing. Copyright 2018 by Jerold Cotes. Second Edition. Written by Wayne Coates.

As stated by the author, these true stories are a collection of anecdotes, conversations, remembrance’s and other features recalled from more than 30 years of service as a police officer. The service began as a “Rookie” directly after serving in the Marine Corps and progressed upward gradually through the years to retirement as an Officer in several positions of importance until retirement – his activities not only were policing the inhabitants of an area of the city, more specifically as a member of the community in which he lived as resident of one of the large housing developments of the district in one of the lower scale districts inhabited by drug users/dispensers, prostitutes and similar.

Discussion: The author has set forth a fascinating collection of widely divergent stories containing humor, varying amounts of activity and conversation with and among ‘street people’ as well as with other police officers while involved interactively among themselves and with these ‘street people’. A small number of them probably would be better understood by readers with more ‘insider’ information, but generally it is well-written with noted apologies to his editor for ‘errors’ within himself.

4* Pleasant, enjoyable series of short stories.


Rise of the Tiger

Rise of the Tiger a modern air combat novel published, copyright and written by Mike Solyom.

The story is set largely in the eastern Malaysian peninsula ending with the city of Singapore as the Caliphate’s assembled mighty army descends to capture and control the city and eventually entire world. Still worse is his anticipated employment of a potent nerve attacking chemical to effect this ultimate control beginning with Singapore. The only true source of defense against the oncoming monster is the presence of semi-modern military aircraft, and these provide an almost non-existent threat once Lt. Col. Alexander Kui of the Royal Malaysian AF is shot down and captured. At this point, the reader is introduced to American Fighter Pilots Lee Chennard and Danny Hilton, who are assigned to a covert CIA unit where pilots who have made blunders against important controlling individuals in Washington. Lee’s offense was by reporting a clandestine act detrimental to the U.S. by a senior advisor to the President. Other new assignees were because of similar activities. Anyway, it’s a manner of chastisement until the lesson had been learned and they could return to active duty. The trouble with the unit was that they had no planes to fly. That is until Lee Chennard went to work. This material gradually is revealed and a fascinatingly conceived plot with numerous turns and twists begins to be delivered and appears to be on its way to providing the initiation of another series of thrillers now directed toward revelation of the many complicated and spectacular events associated with modern air combat.

Discussion: The author, as a twenty plus Air Force Pilot followed by other stints of government programming for flyers, perhaps has set forth a tale which is a little slow beginning, and retains considerable redundancy and repetition, but appears again to have provided the basis for another fascinatingly enjoyable series.

4* But highly recommended.

Catching Currents

Catching Currents: A Frontier Historic Colorado Story ISBN: 9798607893484 Mountain Track Publishing copyright and written by Kari August.

The reader is given to understand that this is a fictional account of a true story by this popular author demonstrating the significance of differences between the cultural restrictions with respect to women’s’ activity in the western part of the developing United States and those rigidly imposed in the east. The story begins in1897 following the lives of Sally and her brother Will when they are transposed from Boston and its long existent strict codes for ‘proper’ conduct among women especially within certain classes of society. The changes are set in motion through contact with Caroline, raised on a Colorado ranch with her brothers Teddie and part American Indian Bear whose home is a large ranch supplying specifically bred horses to requests from widely scattered sources. But more than a tale of these mores of the time it is about the numerous changes within the period and a literal smorgasbord of inter-association of nationalities and levels of station in life ranging from English ‘cockney’ to those of extreme wealth such a Stanley Steamer, inventor of the automobile similarly titled and those of high position such as President Teddy Roosevelt. And of course, a series of interesting love stories.

Discussion; The tale takes place largely in Estes Park, Colorado and includes facts and features of history, lengthy discussions of politics, attitudes in general, women’s rights, elevation of important features of nature and establishment of laws for their protection, as well as development of numerous inventions of the period often presented in amusing format. This is a most charming read with characters that beseech empathy. This is a story that at times extends further than required, but still is recommended reading and perhaps most specifically, because it provides an interesting picture of a period of history from several individual aspects.


5* Fact based Historical novel, Recommended.

A Death at the Potawatomi Club

A Death at the Potawatomi Club published by Durance, copyright and written by Stephen Timbers.

The author has written a suspense mystery that deals with the complicated subject of investment and banking houses and their inner interactivities including suggested selective locations in the Cayman Islands. The story centers on Charlie Bailey, who has ‘grown-up’ as part of the prestigious ‘upper crust’ of Chicago. Now owner and CEO of one of the most prestigious of these investment organizations, he has a large group of friends and acquaintances, and a new possible replacement for his beloved wife who died a couple of years previously in an auto accident. Also included are the police and a number of criminals, the latter both hired and business associates.

Discussion: The story is well-paced with significant periods of action as well as provision of fascinating material on the interactivity within the various trading houses and banks by their lawyers and other employees as well as independent brokers and traders. Added and interwoven is a running description of the detailed activity of the police, and their helpful relationship with the FBI, SEC and associated institutions when there are business irregularities, as well obviously,  as when a murder is to be investigated. Unfortunately, there were a number of proofing errors that were slightly annoying and the ultimate culprit was not particularly difficult to discern but generally speaking, the author has provided a most interesting, as well as highly entertaining, book.

4*  5*-1 as described in the discussion.

Our Journey


     OUR JOURNEY The life and Times of You and Me as seen Through THE EYES of ME TO YOU ISBN: 9781647396081 assumed published, copyright and written by G. Eric Miles.

This lengthy title serves to present a description of an unusual collection of poems introduced, supported by and interspersed with sections of prose. It is written by a man who began writing poems because it was an enjoyable experience and only now has been turned into something others also can read. It opens with a listing of the contents that include individual sections thereof that speak with regard to his thought patterns at various periods in his life. Included are; “A Proper Introduction.” A Second Section: And Away (Back) we go! Section Three; Four: Know Thyself; Five: The Freedom Trail; Six: Appearances; Seven: Wee The People and Eight: Crazy Talk. Basically, the theme is that the world has changed little, if at all. Those within it have been distracted by the immense influx of technology but have accomplished little in the way of actually providing the much-discussed equality and ridding the world of the long-existent inequities.

Discussion: The author is a man born in the late 1950’s in Washington, D.C. into a family that respected education and the ‘proper use of words’ as he personally experienced the chaotic subsequent years. His inter-positioning of easily read poetry with his equally well-written prose and introspective ability makes his message a most interesting unit to read. Further, his discussion on the emergence of technology and what it has done for the population is indisputable. Thus, it provides a most prominent and pertinent question for each and every reader – what personally are you willing to do about the advantages and disadvantages offered? The author, a man who quite obviously loved composition and literature throughout his schooling and life and was a model of introspective axtivity simply suggests: “May you find clarity, insight, and self-awareness from your venture down the road you travel with my life experience and poetry. Happy trails.”

5* for reasons described

Tokyo Express

Tokyo Express USS Bull Shark Naval Thriller Series, Book 4 assumed published copyright and written by Scott W. Cook.

This 4th book in the seemingly popular suspense thriller series by this author again follows the activities of the brilliantly aggressive Captain Art Turner of the somewhat unusually designed USS Bull Shark submarine as it operates in the Pacific Ocean from August 15, 1942 through August 24th, 1942 and sometime beyond through an Epilogue. Most of the main action described takes place in the waters surrounding Guadalcanal, Tulagi, Gavutu, Tanambogo and especially those of New Georgia where the Sealark Channel, popularly called “The Slot” provided a straight supply line from the Japanese Holdings at Rabaul and Bougainville. Once the U.S. had established their base on Guadalcanal and completed Henderson Airfield, their air superiority gave them control of this area during the day. This provides the base for this fact based novel.

To overcome the problem of supplying Japanese troops in these areas, Admiral Yamamoto developed a plan of running the fast destroyers down the slot at night when air power did not operate with any degree of success and destroyers were specially equipped to fight submarine attacks if attempted. The Americans immediately named it the Tokyo Express. Along with these naval engagements, Several Marine-Japanese hand to hand engagements are included with men serving on the subs as well as with the Marines included. A couple of naval battles – Solomon Islands, Savage Islands and individual Carrier-Enemy Aircraft engagements also are included.

Discussion: The author’s knowledge of his subject appears to be quite extensive as his description of pertinent minutia with respect to submarine working parts, movement, maneuverability and the results of attacks described, as well as the effects of bombs received by surface craft. His descriptions of hand-to-hand combat as well as other land battle scenes and their aftermath also are graphically set forth and thus, just as horrifying to the uninitiated as those of the results of a ship’s receipt of bombs from the air as described. The author’s understanding of the psychological aspects, pertinent perhaps more particularly to submarine warfare, appear to be quite accurate, as well. This is the second of the series I have read, and highly recommend as a WW II thriller.

5* Highly recommended war thriller.


The Uquiet Genius

The UNQUIET GENIUS ISBN: 9780999117378 TMR Press, LLC by Glenn Dyer.

In this Conor Thorn (Book 3) the author again has provided his readers with a rapidly moving thriller taking place in the European theatre during WWII. This time it is as a result of Mussolini, and the Vatican wanting to retain a brilliant nuclear scientist, while the Germans, Russians and Americans’ all wish to convince him of the need they have for him to join them in their final movement toward building an atomic missile. The scientist also is an ordained man-of-the church who had successfully faked his demise and for four years successfully hidden in a monastery high in the Italian mountains. Deciding what he has done to his family was an unbearable action, he writes them a letter. A copy lands in ‘unfriendly hands’ and the secret is divulged, thus creating the involvement of the groups mentioned.

Discussion: The author has set forth an action-packed suspense/thriller/romance complete with Nazi cruelty as well as displays of betrayal, deceit, treachery and deception involving quite a large cast of characters who are sufficiently under-developed to result in fundamentally a plot-based tale. Enough empathy is developed among enough characters, however, to provide interest for those who enjoy other than plot –based stories. A particularly interesting note from this reader’s perspective is the inclusion of thought relative to the horrific results from atomic fission – a subject beginning to be addressed more frequently in the scientific community as time passes and circumstances change, but not previously noted so prominently in fiction.

5* Largely plot-based suspense/thriller/romance with interesting aside.

Cameleon: The Poacher’s Enemy

Chameleon: The Poacher’s Enemy: ISBN: 9781801284127, published, copyright and written by Brandon Kimbrough.

The author has written this story to heighten awareness of the high level of illegal poaching imposed upon the beautiful animals of the world and inspire people to aid in saving them from their rapidly approaching extinction. Reviewing this completed apparently first volume in an anticipated series will require a somewhat difficult procedure to do justice to his goal as well as his manner of presentation.

Plot: To accomplish his goal, he has chosen a young, seemingly oversensitive boy raised in a loving and supportive extended family including a Veterinarian father, doting mother, grandparents and siblings and subjecting him to a heart-rending experience at a very young age. Ben’s first discovery that all ‘bad’ activities cannot be overcome and conquered by ‘good’, and certainly not by immediate direct action when he was reprimanded for fighting with another grade school child “because he had hurt  a friend, the groundskeeper’s dog”. His loving and understanding father attempted to enlighten the child with perhaps a modicum of success and life went on in a somewhat curtailed manner. Somewhat later, the father arranged to take Ben and the family on an African Safari where they were able to witness these magnificent animals living in all their glory. The trip was progressing beautifully until they were observing a male Lion sitting regally surrounded by his pride on the open plain when the animal was struck in the head by a high power rifle round from a distant stand of trees that literally destroyed the magnificent animal’s head. The young boy experienced a traumatic psychological shock of almost inexplicable magnitude hat required extensive treatment. Ultimately he recovered and became a highly understanding and successful Veterinarian, but with a burning hatred for all poachers and especially a gradually developing desire to destroy the particular killer he had witnessed. His post-kill life provides the basic plot of this book- his desire to wreak havoc on all poachers and especially the one who had killed the lion.

Discussion: The author has made an exceedingly good effort to present a case against poachers for the totally uninformed reader and has employed several characters with nicely explained flaws to aid in this endeavor. There are Dylan, a lifelong childhood friend who has provided Ben with much of the social familiarity he exhibits; Jill, his well-positioned, beautifully adept at many functions office manager, Dana Harper, the well-trained investigative journalist with additional talents and Stan with his group of somewhat unusual animal activists. The overall attempt has been a well-worthwhile endeavor that hopefully will increase interest in this important subject. Most regrettably however, from the perspective of what this reviewer hopefully would believe to be the more generally knowledgeable individual, the level of approach would appear to be positioned toward the less knowledgeable and/or young adult.  Too many occurrences depend upon chance and facts per se are totally distorted or missing. The description of ‘poaching’  largely, is distorted, jungles really are not that close in appearance as the ‘woods or forests’ he appears to indicate, transport to the United States of animals to be ‘poached’ is not a usual operation, and most ‘poaching’ per se, is done by a different breed of individuals, although financed, no doubt by wealthy individuals. The ‘fight scene’ descriptions are obviously put together by individuals unacquainted with such activity. And as a pertinent aside, Krav Maga, a prominent attack/defense developed I believe in the 1940’s and reportedly used effectively by the Israeli is not a sport that is ‘picked up in one’s spare time’. As with all martial arts, time and constant practice are required to acquire and maintain any level of competence. Also, the shot destroying the lion’s head that Ben witnessed as a child, probably was a ‘miss’. A prize of the type described would not be one to destroy, rather a trophy to be retained. Thus a killing shot but non-destructive of tissue would have been more likely.

In Summary: Chameleon is a book that provides many interesting features, especially of the effects life’s vicissitudes will force upon one’s psyche, and ‘en toto’, an interesting indoctrination for the uninformed on animal ‘poaching’. As such, it is a well-worthwhile read. It is hoped that the author will acquire more familiarity with some of the other subject matter he discusses.

5* important message for the uninformed; – 2* or more for oyhers.

Dutch Preacher Boy

        Dutch Preacher Boy ISBN: 9781098382420 TunaFiscch Publishing by John Kommerinus Trinstra.

Sub titled “Coming of Age in Grand Rapids, Taking Wing Beyond* From Ethnocentric Religion to a Wide World of Wonder. A MEMOIR.

This is a fascinating tale most especially if you have an interest in any phase of religion. It is told by a man born and raised in the Netherlands in the Dutch Calvinist faith – Calvinist College 1962-1966 and Calvin Seminary 1966-69 and after immigrating to America, 2 weeks at Moody Bible Institute – and wanted to be a Fundamentalist (Religion defined as Religion as written is the last word). However, as explained in the gradually developing story, his extensive travels throughout a goodly part of the world changed quite drastically his perspective. His description of these travels and the changes wrought make for a story similar to few, if any other ‘coming-of-age’ tales in that the process extends far beyond what usually is considered that period in one’s life, into sessions as a missionary where threats were encountered in the Mexican Border area; working with Inmates in Cook County Psychiatric Hospital where he picked up a most thought-provoking answer to a simple question and read a sign posted on a near-by wall the reader will love. It simply read “I’m absolutely crazy about change. I just can’t handle it well.” And many more incidents of interest including close encounters with royalty and celebrities, a number of ‘secrets’ of well-known radio/TV preachers of various faiths, “sexual awakening, athletic fields of battle, heroes, tragedies, escapes, with lots of humor and playful banter”.

Discussion: The book ends with a brief notation about the former pastor, educator, and entrepreneur author and an Index of his wide range of people encountered and exact page(s) where it took place with the referenced person. Some of the discussion with respect to the individual and/or his/her perspectives may appear biased to varying degrees, but certainly lie within the author’s prerogative.

5* Interestingly, thoughtfully assembled memoir