Do Good to Lead Well

DO GOOD to LEAD WELL ISBN: 9781946633026. ForbesBooks, copyright and written by Craig Bowden, PhD.

Subtitled, The Science and Practice of Positive Leadership, the book opens with a quite extensive list of persons acknowledged to be helpful in the author’s journey followed by an admission that he always has been “fascinated by how people related to one another and how that differed so much from person to person, even when faced with the same situation”. Resultantly he majored in psychology “to learn more about the perceptual and emotional elements of human behavior”. An introduction to industrial-organizational psychology resonated particularly well because “Although people have personalities that are fascinating and diverse, organizations also have personalities (i.e. cultures) that are just as complex.” Studying the two simultaneously presented an irresistible challenge that led to extensive study and culminated in his eventual establishment of “a firm focused on supporting clients in achieving leadership and organizational excellence by leveraging the science of peak performance.” The substance of this volume provides the basics upon which he believes this achievement of excellence rests. Specifically, 6 Pillars – Self-Awareness, Civility, Humility, Focus on the Positive, Meaning and Purpose, and Empathy – each of which he discusses at length with supporting evidence gained from numerous scientifically designed and validated tests. An Appendix provides valuable assessment details of the meaning of scores obtained on selected tests; then an extensive list of references follows and the book concludes with a few notes About the Author.

Discussion: The author has published another in the increasing number of books to provide help to companies, their CEO’s and their various team members as they attempt to stay abreast of their fast moving and rapidly changing work environment. Many have provided valuable material. This particular volume would appear to provide a much greater quantity of helpful material than the others, however, simply because it is not based on one person’s discoveries. Instead the lessons provided here are based on well-designed tests repeatedly given and re-analyzed until results could definitely be validated. On a personal note, two features discussed here were most interestingly presented – the fact that Empathy can be learned and that the Golden Rule might be re-examined from a different perspective; viz. Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you might not be compatible with what they believe is what they might want. One example provided was a manager who thrived on recognition might not be providing a thoughtful ‘award’ by bringing a person who preferred to be more reclusive to a prominent stage to receive the ‘award’.

5* Important must read for every ‘thinking’ person.

Apache Jack

Apache Jack: A Legend is Born. An e-book published by Brent Reilly via KDP, copyright and written by Brent Reilly.

This is a story of the period of strife in the American Southwest in the mid-nineteenth century among the Mexicans, the newly formed United States, the Texans (often referred to as Texicans) and the Indian nations of the area. It opens with excerpts from activities of the Miller family, led by their talented, charismatic, entrepreneurial patriarch. He convinces the Indian Tribal chiefs to aid him in fighting their hated Mexican enemies in a manner most beneficial to him, his family and their amassing of personal wealth and power throughout the Baja Peninsula, and what is now New Mexico, Arizona and parts of California. It begins before, continues during and after the Mexican War, the Gadsden Purchase and associated developments. It introduces Jack as a precocious child equally at home with Apaches and Caucasians and with both the good and bad talents of both. The child is introduced relatively late in the book where it sporadically refers to his activities through the age of seven. Thus, this volume largely seems to be an introduction to the next volume. To quote the author’s final lines: ”The war between Mexico and Apaches ended, but the war between and Apaches and Americans began. THE END OF PART I. NOW GO BUY THE SEQUEL!”

Discussion: As titled, the book’s purpose is to introduce a character, little of whom is presented in this initial production. It presents much repetitive description of construction efforts by the Millers as they work their way westward increasing the size of their power and wealth. Similarly, repetitive depictions of violent activity performed in a bloody time in a historically brutal era peopled by viscous individuals. If this offers appeal, this book is for you.

3* Should appeal to a particular type of reader.

Wasted Pain

WASTED PAIN, a novel in e-book assumed to have been published, copyright and written by Ken Ross.

A man in his early fifties with an apparently unfortunate ability to attain any type of meaningful relationship with women hears a whimpering sound emanating from a dark alley while visiting the city where another computer-generated date has proved to be a disaster. Cautiously he proceeds to investigate and finds a very attractive, young female, seemingly probably in her late teens or early twenties huddled against the cold and alive but barely responsive. He picks her up, puts her in his car and takes him to his small suburban home. He really is a nice, moral guy who restores her to health. She is a complete enigma. She will not even tell him her name. Shortly thereafter, he awakens to find her gone. She calls him from the city a little while later. He picks her up and again they return to his home. These episodes continue with him gradually becoming more in love with her. The charade continues with the girl gradually gaining trust in the man who had not made any sexual advances and development of an intensely sexual relationship results that also waxes and wanes. The story continues with the reader constantly wondering if the two actually will be able to reconcile their differences until the very end when all is resolved in an unusual finale.

Discussion: This is an unusual tale that generates interest as to how it is going to terminate and is able to sustain the reader’s interest from this perspective. The author’s narrative is replete with knowledgeable description of how a protagonist such as presented would think and act/react in the situations presented. However, the material is presented mostly in large blocks of this descriptive verbalization with only rather sparse sections of dialogue introduced. This reviewer found much of the book ponderous reading at best, although stimulated to continue to discover how the relationship would end. A caveat must be included for the explicit sexually described sections.

3* 4* Strangely interesting suspense romance(?) 3* ponderous narrative.


HEALTH-WEALTH for You ISBN: 9781642250817, Advantage Media Group, an e-book copyright and written by Dr. Josh Luke.

The book opens with a Forward by Dave Chase, Cofounder, Health Rosetta who explains that he has been working with the author in sharing a “passion for reducing unnecessary spending by thousands empowering people to take responsibility and restoring the American dream by instead (of spending unnecessarily on health care) investing money saved to education and communities. Between Dr. Luke’s first book and Health Rosetta, Businesses have the tools to do their part. Now, it’s your turn.” Next presented are the reasons why the time is now to take charge of your health care and reduce the cost. A Preface then explains the advantages of becoming an EHC, (an Engaged Healthcare Consumer) from lessons learned from past experience and providing suggestions on “How to read and apply health-wealth for you.” The main substance of the book then is provided in 3 parts. Part I examines “Healthcare in America: Where Capitalism went wrong” and consists of 3 chapters – The affordability crisis, A culture of greed; A system broken beyond repair; a 4th examining the effect Millennial Culture thought-patterns have provided to healthcare. Part II contains chapter 5 explaining the importance of becoming an EHC and 6 concerns creation of a health-wealth family culture. Part III provides the sets forth “11 Steps to Save Big and Live Healthy. A Conclusion. A Health-Wealth Personal Loss Assessment Sample and 24 references conclude the book.

Discussion: The first part of the book is virtually a shortened version of much of his book Ex-Acute which he mentions several times here in his discussions. The second part is an expansion of material also set forth in Ex-Acute. Part III is the actual ‘meat’ of this entire presentation and sets forth 11 steps include enrolling in an Alternate Insurance Model and employing the multitude of additional methods developed that produce better health and associated cost reduction. Much depends upon an “integrative and functional approach and include such items as Genome Sequencing, DNA testing, AI, Blockchain, Telehealth, Remote Monitoring Services and more.

Summary: Part III of this book is a must read for anyone living anywhere in today’s world and requiring any healthcare assistance from the chaotic offerings available. And I mean anywhere. Great Britain’s record is poor as is that of most other countries in Europe. Interestingly, even Sweden’s top listed health system is again changing because it has been found to suffer the exact problems encountered in the U.S. and Canada’s system is nowhere as adequate as that provided in the United States. So, from this reviewer’s perspective, the only disappointing feature of this presentation is the same as that found in his preceding book – introduction of a particular form of government, capitalism, as the culprit to which he repeatedly shunts the blame for healthcare’s inadequacies. The author most assuredly IS correct about the importance of ‘the-bottom-line’ to many individuals as being rampant in the present system. However, because human nature NEVER will allow much more than a modicum of altruism to exert itself regardless of the method of health care being provided, and individuals always are going to ‘find a way to beat any laws established’ it would seem to be an error to blame the ‘system’ whether it be capitalistic, socialistic or some other provider. My concern with blaming one form of government as totally responsible for the multiple problems encountered is that readers may fail to concentrate on the importance of his message. Instead, many may pounce upon still another element to add to the growing belief in the need within the United States for a more socialistic form of government. Cuba, Argentina and other South American countries and more recently Venezuela, have shown this form of government has not demonstrated any improvement in healthcare for their countries. Health care under the Russia regimes has been abominable and above I have just pointed out European countries’ problems. Thus, if nothing better is available, that which is provided appears to be better than others touted. Furthermore as the author discusses, better healthcare models gradually are evolving but fails to mention the ever rising costs needed simply to develop the myriad programs. So, to petition the prospective reader, PLEASE do not permit your attention to be redirected to a political theme, when the problem is one with which every form of government has been forced to accept and attempt to manage. So to somewhat paraphrase the conclusion rendered for the author’s last book, this truly is a MUST read for anyone and everyone in the United States who has, is, or will require any level of healthcare. I hope the reader as well as the author will understand and accept my apologies for my reaction to his repeated mentioning inadequacies of one manner of governing as the main culpable reason for the country’s healthcare problems. I sincerely believe that such placement of blame can only add to the horrendously and dangerously chaotic political situation now rampant within the country – one that certainly is not ‘healthy for the country’ nor those living there.

3*    5* Recommended Read; 3* required sincere caveat.

Interconnectivity: Flow and Balance

Interconnectivity, FLOW and BALANCE ISBN: 9780578202662 Organizational Soul, Ltd. copyright and written by Yvette Bethel.

Sub-titled: A Values Based Framework for Achieving Sustainable Growth in Uncertain Times, this book, after an Introduction explaining who can benefit from this book and how to use it to get the most out of it, is written in 3 major parts containing eighteen chapters. Part I contains seven, presenting the basic components for understanding her Interconnectivity, Flow and Balance (IFB) Model. Part II, is comprised of chapters eight through eleven and provide the material necessary for Establishing Your Pillar of Trust. Part III, contains chapters twelve through eighteen that provide the essential elements required to formulate IFB BY DESIGN. A Bibliography, End Notes, a Glossary of terms used, About the Author and a list of Other Products by Yvette Bethel conclude the book.

Discussion: The author is a Fulbright Scholar who has progressed to be recognized as an “advanced emotional intelligence practitioner” and who, after twenty years’ service in a Fortune 500 Company, founded her own consulting firm offering help to organizations encountering difficulties in the constantly changing milieu of today’s business transactions. In this book she has examined in quite minute detail the large number of ways emotional elements can affect those involved in business proceedings and in turn, their effect on the proceedings and eventual outcome of a transaction. The material can be of utmost value to numerous business operations. From this reader’s perspective, the only undesirable feature of the book as presented, is the overabundance and repetition of minutia even though frequently couched in different terminology and settings. The basic material is excellent and will provide numerous elements that involve personnel in ways they often may not recognize. Nevertheless, it would seem that judicious editing would provide these important lessons in a more easily read form that would speed an otherwise rather ponderous read.

3*       5* extremely helpful material; 3* for ponderous presentation.

Mapmaking: Anticipate

Nextmapping: Anticipate, Navigate and Create the Future of Work ISBN: 9781628656190, Motivational Press, an e-book by Cheryl Cran.

Following the usual disclaimer, the book opens with words about the author, a Preface and three individual parts. PART ONE contains 2 chapters, The first explaining that “The Future is NOW” and asks “Are You Ready?” for of the already initiated abundance of robots, drones, AI and the differently evolved thought processes of the new employee population with which you are going to have to deal. Chapter Two – “The Future, Predicting the Future – The Predict Way” describes where you must decide when and how these elements will affect your business. PART TWO contains 3 chapters examining “The Future of Work.” The first (Chapter Three) “The Mindset of a Navigator of The Future of Work” explains specifically what this will need to be. Chapter Four, “The Future is Shared” explains how the mindset of new employees will differ from previous ones necessitating an entirely new approach. Five, “Navigating Today’s Challenges – What’s Next” examines existing and future elements. PART THREE consists of chapters 6 and 7 that explain the absolute requirement for creation of a ‘Culture of Trust’ within the work force to face a very human future with Robots, AI and Automation. A final chapter emphasizes NextMapping to “Create Your Future of Work and Share the Future You Are Creating”. A list of “Resources” and a most helpful Index conclude the book.

Discussion: This is another in the rather large number of books that are appearing to aid business Owners, CEO’s, COO’s in facing the impact of so many factors. Automation has received the largest amount of attention to date because of the horrendous increase in data that already are a major and ever-increasing problem with several books dedicated to the need to expand Cloud and the possibilities of developing Quantum Computers. A few have focused upon the personal element and involvement of the personality aspects of the differing generations. This author has pulled together much of this latter material, seemingly somewhat more succinctly than others I have read, and explained not only the characteristic differences of the new entrants from those they are replacing in the work force, but their relationship to the fast-growing areas of Robots. AI and automation. As in most books written by frequent lecturers, there is considerable repetition that can be overlooked because of its use ‘to make a point’. All in all, a most worthy contribution to the requirement of increased knowledge for business to survive in this fast changing world. Which brings an interesting thought to mind for this reader. The constant surveillance that will be required by someone in some position of power to assure the trustworthiness of each component of the ‘teams’. With the new teams making the decisions, only one undedicated individual can bring about unwanted results bringing to mind the old adage – A camel is a horse designed by a committee.

5* For targeted audience and interesting material for all readers.

Cast a Long Shadow

Cast a Long Shadow, an e-book assumed published, copyright and written by Kwen D. Griffeth.

The reader is introduced to the protagonist, ‘Bad Bobby Trent’, son of a Montana County Sheriff as he is engaged in a fist fight at a popular bar, somewhat distant from the area’s main town of Wapiti. The bar attracted men with occupations such as cowboys, sheep men, roustabouts and similar and the women who enjoyed their company. Bobby was a local, almost legend, star high school athlete who after a short stint in college was a popular Rodeo Cowboy with a devil-may-care attitude and a smile and piercing eyes that women found irrestible. His father arrives, jails him in just one more effort to make him ‘grow-up’ and attain his real potential. Shortly thereafter, a trailer truck suspected of carrying heroin is disabled passing through the area and must stay for repairs. Suspiciously it catches fire which destroys any evidence. The sheriff dies with a gunshot to the head and rumor suggests suicide because he was involved. The story moves into high gear with Bobby pulling out all stops to find his killer and slowly maturing to be the person whom his father believed he could be. Along the way he is helped greatly by a Cheyenne Nation Chief who is an FBI criminal investigation training graduate and now Head of their Police Department as well other members of the nation, an old flame, a young woman police officer and several other interesting individuals. The tale is replete with unexpected twists as Bobby ‘goes-with-the-flow’ of what life offers until finally attaining enough maturity to realize that he still has much to learn.

Discussion: This is a most interesting story whose genre defies specific assignment and is filled with fascinatingly described characters. It has a western setting, but should NOT be characterized as a ‘western” per se. Fundamentally, this would appear to be more of a character study where each has a story contributory to the main plot that contains large elements of crime, mysticism, romance and suspense moving inexorably toward a somewhat unexpected finale. It is another well-written, unusual tale by this author that is difficult to put down.

5* Multi-genre character study difficult to put down.

The Beginner’s Guide to Winning an Election

The Beginner’s Guide to Winning an Election ISBN: 9781732511705 Moot Point Productions, copyright and written by Michael R. French.

The author has presented an ‘on-the-surface appearing’ simple story that follows a very intelligent young high school student with strong moral principles but totally naïveté with respect to politics as she challenges the charismatic favorite young man for election to the student body presidency. This seemingly impossible task appears even less attainable when she, with a team of only a few friends, actually realizes that her opponent’s team is a very successful, well-oiled machine that has been successful for some time. She has one other person to whom she listens intently and absorbs his lectures – the school’s rather revered history teacher who for several generations has been providing sensible advice along with his presentation of the importance of history as it repeats and is interpreted by one generation after another. Through his teachings and advice, complete understanding and approval by her parents, most intelligent decisions, AND unexpected information provided by an unknown cyber expert, she discovers that the success of her main opponent may not be simply because of he and his team’s abilities. Instead, he and his group are supported and secretly funded and advised by an organization that ostensibly has been established to aid struggling educational programs, but has another agenda in mind. When she ultimately makes great advances in her campaign, the organization approaches her with offers extremely difficult for her to turn down and the story continues to an interesting finale.

Discussion: The author has an excellent understanding of politics, its deceit, betrayal, treachery, intrigues, lying and often present, exhibition of blatant but more usually hidden, personal greed and other less worthy aspects of human thought patterns. Additionally his understanding of teen age children and their need to adjust to individual physical and mental changes while simultaneously attempting to deal with their peers in an environment that frequently can be surprisingly cruel, is quite admirable. He has set forth a story that provides an honest look at politics while stressing the importance of history, a much ignored important feature of today’s education, and coincidentally has provided a protagonist who projects strong moral courage and tenacity of purpose to overcome purportedly unbeatable odds and ‘make a difference’.

Summary: This is a fast moving, well-written story that those in their teens should thoroughly enjoy. Coincidentally, this book could be of interest to adults for the parallel it describes with respect to the horribly broken political system presently extant within the U.S. and perhaps could serve as a tool to be employed by teachers of young, and near adult, students.

5* A book young adults should enjoy and adults read – see discussion.

You Owe Me

You Owe Me, a mystery/thriller copyright, assumed published in e-book and written by Kerry J. Costello.
Plot: An American Serviceman saves the life of a British counterpart in an unusual situation during their mutual service in Iraq in 2003. It is a deed performed in passing with neither having previous knowledge even of the other’s existence. The ‘saved’ Frankie Armstrong, overwhelmed with gratitude, tells the American, Joe Nelson ‘He owes him and to call whenever he is in need”. In March of 2017 he receives a call from Joe, now the owner of a boat yard in Naples, FL, opening with “And remember the very last thing you said to me when we last met?” Frankie responds with “I remember I said I owe you if that’s what you mean?” He is answered in the affirmative simply pressuring him to come to Florida to help him find his young nephew Billy Ray who, with his friend Jerry are treasure-seeking divers, but has disappeared without a trace. Frankie, after drifting rather aimlessly for some period of time, joins with army buddie Derek Barnes (Barnsie), to become co-founders of a security agency in GB. He seems to be financially secure, his much-loved wife Penny has just left him for another woman and he is contemplating suicide. The call actually provides an opportunity for him to reconsider. He travels to Florida, meets Joe and begins his search. It seems the nephew, besides diving, also is quite a Lothario and has absconded with the wife of a notoriously vicious and extremely wealthy mobster and is assumed to be somewhere in hiding. The tale continues from this point, gradually building to a satisfying climax with all loose strings gathered together.
Discussion: The author has set forth an interesting fictional take on some historical facts. The resulting plot rambles a bit but offers sufficient interesting aspects to make the reader want to continue through to the end. From this reviewer’s perspective it should be of greatest interest to those who enjoy plot-based stories. Again perhaps for this reader alone, the characters are not particularly well-developed and it is most difficult, at least for this reader, to develop much empathy with other than unfortunately rather distasteful ones for Joe for reasons with which the reader may or not concur. Additionally, judicious editing would present a more coherent tale with far less repetitive material. So, to reiterate, this is a very imaginatively developed story that once begun, begs to be finished.
3* 4* imaginative story; 3* for flaws as described.

Island Terror

Island Terror, copyright, assumed published, and written by Jo Carey.

Dr. Gina Talbot is a herpetologist working in San Diego at one of the few positions available in the world studying the carnivorous Komodo Dragons. She and fellow worker Chris, like every person in the profession, has applied for and again been turned down in their annual request for advanced study of these reptiles in their native habitat. However, she learns about a former Navy Seal who reportedly had encountered a number of them on a small, apparently uncharted atoll relatively close to Hawaii. She is able to contact the man, Cooper, discovers that it not only is true, but that he had lost his entire compliment of men in the encounter. Because their existence was not believed, Cooper was retired as suffering from PTSD. She is intrigued with the thought of finding such a group of these reptiles and he would love to be able to verify that his report was true. So, with money left to her by a relative, she initiates a small investigative expedition. The story continues as the expedition gets under way, arrives at the small atoll after experiencing a horrific storm, encounters the Dragons with terrifying results, encounter a betrayal and finally evolves at a climax followed by a pertinent epilogue.

Discussion: This is a short, ‘quick’ read that has some difficulty getting to the basic plot. At first the reader is introduced to a protagonist whose ‘love life’ is non-existent until several prospects appear once the expedition begins to evolve. About half of the tale is preparatory to the actual major event, but once begun, it moves at a good pace. So, if one is looking for a tale that fills a few free hours and ultimately provides some suspense, you might enjoy this somewhat unusual tale.

3* Unusual tale to fill a few hours of free time.