Dreamwander in the Ruins of Eden

Dreamwander in the Ruins of Eden ISBN: 9780996305709 Kildaire Press copyright and written by Kildaire.

This is “Volume One of In The Ruins of Eden” and begins with the protagonist, Cillian Rysgaard, an old North Dakota rancher, travelling down a strange forest path where he encounters increasing numbers of strange, illusion-like ‘happenings’. Ultimately he meets an old woman whom he recognizes as Mórríghan, the ancient Irish Goddess who humans meet before dying. She informs him that it is not quite his time. He next realizes he is in a strange doctor’s office where a woman says the practitioner is ready to see him. He enters and here is informed that he has dementia that gradually will worsen although he may live anywhere up to another ten years. He then is ushered out through another door that becomes a long tunnel where eventually he encounters a stately young woman dressed similarly to a Roman Centurion. She tells him to mount her chariot and she delivers him to the ruler of the impossibly large assemblage of buildings crowded with huge numbers of citizens cheering him as he is honored by the ruling Imperator as the two time savior of the empire. Thus begins this strange tale that involves a parallel world inhabited by the Tuath Dé who have a physical body and a sex but actually are part of the fallen angels remaining from the revolt of the angels that resulted in Yewah splitting the revolutionaries into three groups – theirs, Satan and his followers to the dark nether region and retaining the third group of Michael and others of the ‘good’ angels with him in the upper regions. They are in a constant state of war with the Dread Queen who once was one of them, and both they and she, with her followers, continue living under an uneasy truce since neither has been able to defeat the other. The action swings among various, mostly fanciful activities in ‘other worlds’ with Cillian having the ability to pass unharmed among the different ‘civilizations’ because of an amulet he had received as a gift many years ago. The amulet had been fashioned by Satan and assures his safe passage between worlds because both sides need him since, through an error, he had released Loki, the God of Chaos from his chained position of eternal bondage.

Discussion: A weirdly fanciful tale that is difficult, at least for this reader, to describe. It begins interestingly with what appears to be an old man with some degree of advancing dementia wandering along a forest path. Assumedly, his formal/informal educational development includes a superior knowledge of Irish, Nordic and Christian mythology, although we are told that he simply is a North Dakota Rancher. Large sections of the story involve individuals who speak Latin and a Celtic dialect, and reference is made repeatedly to persons described in the written, and before that unwritten, mythology just mentioned and Roman Centurion-like uniforms are in abundance. There is much of interest set forth and the action at times generates excitement. However, the action sequences often are interwoven with considerable prose explanations of pre-occurring and/or predictive activity. Settings following each other occasionally are sufficiently far removed from each other enough to cause momentary need to re-arrange one’s thinking with respect to the tale’s continuum.

Summary: A strange tale that from this reader’s perspective requires dichotomous interpretation – extreme mental wanderings resulting from a knowledgeable individual’s advancing dementia, or, an equally strange Fantasy tale that devotees of the genre may enjoy.

3* difficult to describe and rate, as described.

The Night Drop

The Night Drop Resistance in the Marshlands, published copyright and written by Ian D. Wright.

This is a most interesting story within a story that perhaps is a little difficult to describe but fascinating to read. Briefly, the story opens in a small village in Northern France in 1965 with a young woman awakening from a horrific dream from her earlier days as part of a group of courageous local residents who were resisting the Nazi invaders. The remote area was of premier importance to both the Germans and the Allies because the Nazis were building a launching site for the newly improved V2 ‘buzz bombs’ that were wreaking havoc on England. Obviously, information about the site was of extreme importance. Her husband comforts her, and although she does not want him to leave, he must go to see an old friend to attempt finally to discover and expose the real person responsible for her dreams and more importantly, a possible eruption of a situation that could be highly disruptive to this rather provincial enclave of reclusive neighbors. Specifically, a former resident many believed to be the enemy agent responsible for deprivation and deaths among the residents during the war, was returning purportedly to prove his innocence. Jack, the husband of the young woman described above, travels to London to see his old friend Martin Yates, now editor of a trendy magazine in London, who obtains the services of two highly respected Investigative Reporters to help Jack’s investigation which provides the book’s main ‘mystery theme’ –  an attempt twenty years after the war to discover and bring to justice the person still living and responsible for the distrust, deceit, deception, treachery and betrayal that increased the local residents fear, deprivation and even deaths as well as those of so many of the small group of resistance fighters who sacrificed so much in the effort. The series of activities by these courageous freedom fighters aided by two professionals dropped in to help in the closing days of the war are included in the ensuing pages so as to present a ‘war thriller’ within the content of the ‘mystery investigation’ that is the main theme of the book. Briefly and partially repetitiously, the protagonists are Jack Ross and Sophia, a lovely and courageous girl who at 14 was a valiant and seemingly fearless member of the resistance. Jack, a 24-year-old member of the British military who is sent into this northern area of interwoven rivers, streams and marshlands with Roland Keene, an American Special Ops member to obtain information about the V2 construction site. Steve and Emily are the investigative reporters Yates sends over to help Jack find the long unidentified Nazi agent. A number of other characters also perform at varying levels of importance. Most prominent and responsible for the investigation are brothers Remy and Gilbert of the local Fournier family. The two are diametrically opposite and constantly at odds with Gilbert the parental favorite. Remy, the younger brother leaves only to resurface again after the war starts. Gilbert, a disliked and only partially trusted member of the resistance group, disseminates his belief that Remy is a spy. Twenty years later Gilbert is dead and Remy, now quite ill, returns to ‘prove his innocence’. The town’s hostilities again resurface and is the reason Jack, Sophia, Steve and Emily attempt to bring closure to the long smoldering situation.

Discussion: To reiterate, this is a somewhat difficult to present, quite involved, story within a story that provision of more details would be a disservice to the prospective reader. Suffice it to say, that it provides tales in both the ‘war thriller’ and ‘mystery’ genres that should satisfy devotees of either or both.

5* Historical; especially for devotees of ‘war thriller’ and/or ‘mystery’ tales.

Jumping from Helicopters

Jumping from Helicopters ISBN: 9781732736115 Turtle Creek Publishing Copyright and written by John Stillman and Lori Stillman.

This is a Vietnam Memoir dedicated “To the 58,000 plus names on the Vietnam Memorial Wall, they are the true heroes of the war. They gave all.” It is a book whose story was told to, and written by, the daughter of a man who as a 19-year-old endured the struggles of spending a year in almost endless combat as a member of the 101st Airborne in 1968. He, like most young men, enlisted seeing only the adventure and even, for some, having the thought of helping the downtrodden people of South Viet Nam. Instead they encountered the realities of war and under some of the worst conditions possible – endless days in the sweat-drenching jungle heat, little sleep, bad and frequently missing food, venomous snakes, leaches, impossibly annoying and even dangerous insects, days to weeks without being able to wash, and all with the constant watchfulness required to avoid hidden traps that maimed and killed, as well as enemy ambush, mortar rounds and more. And then later, discovering that you have been affected by a persistent life-threatening parasite and/or the residual results of Agent Orange or some other highly effective weapon that unfortunately only later was discovered to be deleterious to your life.

Discussion: This is a book that really requires the reader to look beyond the words that on-the-surface offer little of a ‘war story’ or even possibly nothing more than a repetitive listing of seemingly mundane factual material. If this is your impression, you are doing nothing but reading the words. To really understand, you must place yourself empathetically in the situations described and set forth in such an impassive, unemotional manner. From such a perspective, a totally different and horrifying picture is unveiled. A huge mental rearrangement appears where the young soldier gradually is seen to evolve from a naïve young man with thoughts of adventure and doing something worthwhile for a downtrodden people, into an automaton that follows the basic instinct to stay alive simply by becoming a killing machine. The book, fortunately because of the relentless desire of a loving daughter to learn and understand more about her father’s constant refusal to discuss or even mention remembrances that resulted in sleep-shattering dreams, and recurring thought patterns against which he constantly must guard against to withhold violent outbursts. The army had spent weeks training him to be a killer and did not even spend a few hours debriefing him or providing any words to help him re-establish himself into normal daily life. It was literally months before government action even accepted the fact that such an entity existed as PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Now, after some twenty years, this book has been written that is a culmination of combining details from the soldier’s diary, letters written home and his recall and finally verbal release of the unforgettable, constantly recurring individual and collective memories that a catharsis of sorts was attained. An effort patiently and lovingly pieced together by a daughter who wanted so badly to know more about that dark period in her father’s life that caused his occasional outbursts and so much pain. Finally he was able to talk about the horrible memories and could reach some degree of closure now that he no longer needed to bear the burden alone.

Summary: Riveting, deceptively unemotionally presented depiction of one 19-year-old’s gradual change from naiveté to unemotional machine of destruction from spending a year in almost endless combat as a member of the 101st Airborne in 1968 and resultant struggle with PTSD.

5* Riveting for reader with ability to mentally place self in protagonist’s position.


FOLIE? A novel published, copyright and written by M. S. Barnes.

In order to provide further understanding of the substance of the book, immediately following the title these words are set forth; “noun, plural fo-lies [faw-lee] /fo’li/. French. Madness; insanity”. This is to explain that the referenced word is French and describes a particularly disruptive syndrome where delusional beliefs of one person may be passed to another (folie a deux) and even beyond to many, as in folie pleusiers (mass hysteria). The plot centers around a young psychiatrist who recently has completed her training and takes a job offer in an aging, poorly staffed and poorly maintained psychiatric institution in a remote section of Tennessee. It is in the time when the profession was only very slowly evolving from insulin and/or electric shock, lobotomies and other of the early experimental procedures. Armed with all of the latest knowledge available to the profession, Dr. Lee was sure she would be able to change the thinking and treatment procedures long espoused by all of the older staff members who she assumed were long removed from newer information. The story begins to accelerate when she spies a newly arrived patient whom she feels she must personally treat. The Chief, along with other members of the staff, believe she does not have the experience to handle this patient, but with reservations, give in to her insistence. She suddenly discovers she has a case beyond her abilities and turns to her mentor, a prominent professor/author and otherwise long recognized as most prominent in the profession. Providing further details would be a disservice to the prospective reader. Suffice it to say, that the tale gradually evolves into a horror, ghost (?) story of huge proportions, similar to, but more sophisticated than those shared in scary surroundings by youngsters.

Discussion: The author has set forth a most interesting tale of two particular basic features of addressing treatment of individuals with any health problems and especially those dealing with the mind. One is the ever present, but largely hidden, difference in the beliefs of medical practitioners and academicians. The former hold the latter in distain with belief in the old adage “Those who can (treat patients), do; those who can’t, teach.” Whereas, the latter, are just as strongly entrenched in the belief that without their discoveries and dissemination of the new treatment modalities, the practitioner would still be employing ineffective methods. Obviously much can be said in support of both beliefs. The second probably supports the first contention much more strongly because a really huge risk is associated when treating patients with mental problems. If the physician has any hidden, unknown or unrealized instabilities within, it can make him/her highly vulnerable to some action, word or thought pattern exhibited by the patient being treated. This is why psychiatrists themselves, after their extensive training beyond medical school and internships, may themselves undergo analysis and all invariably have a mentor with whom they consult when needed. Dr. Lee just picked the wrong type of mentor for her activities – an individual well versed in all phases of psychiatry EXCEPT the practical aspects and worse, an individual with a completely suppressed, devastating personal memory.

Summary: This book’s tale is spun by an author knowledgeable of the story’s basic elements. Thus, it presents an interesting dichotomy of choices – 1. An interesting read about a somewhat bizarre case of mental disintegration 2. To reiterate, an interesting horror, ghost (?) story similar, but much more sophisticated, than those shared by youngsters in scary surroundings.

5* Particularly interesting for two different tiers of readers as described.

Conscience of the Machine

Conscience of the Machine published, copyright and written by Brian Cato.

This is a philosophical tale concentrating on three humans and one machine in a fictional setting not possible within the U.S. for many years. The setting is to be ignored, however, as it has been employed to illustrate the author’s interestingly thought-producing sequence. Bobby Rosen is a young student with greater intelligence than he is able to demonstrate. When facing academic tests he develops an overriding tension that interferes with his thought processes. Regrettably, he has an additional learning problem in mathematics and the sciences. His parents are supportive and well-meaning, but both have overly active work lives that allow little other than demonstrating stray moments of affection. Emma Browne is a dedicated teacher believing that gentle encouragement is required to bring forth the best student performance. She constantly is at odds with Harvey McNair, the school’s Principal who contrarily believes in following the era’s trend to use fear in his pursuit of better student performance. The ominous machine overshadows the entire tale from its early introduction simply as an interruption of normal daily activity at the local high school by the sudden metallic screeching sounds accompanied by screams from behind a fence adjacent to the school yard. No student, if knowledgeable, will describe, much less discuss the matter and the machine does not actually appear and take an active part for the reader until the story’s closing moments when it assumes an overpowering position.

Discussion: The entire tale is a presentation of the psychological and philosophical aspects of personal development and whether man actually has ‘free will’ in making choices in his life, or whether life is dictated by fate? The author, a Brown University dual major graduate (Philosophy, Chemistry), is a synthetic organic chemist engaged in working “for major pharmaceutical companies for ten years, taking breaks to spend a year teaching English in China and to write.” He offers further that he has “an abiding interest in the phenomenon of the mind, the genesis of identity, and the persistent irrationality of the human creature, himself included.” If the prospective reader’s interests are in accord with those expressed by the author, you certainly will thoroughly enjoy being able to project yourself into this somewhat fanciful setting.

5* For devotees of philosophical discussions.

Her Tale was told in Whispers

Her Tale was told in Whispers a novel published, copyright and written by Mutch Katsonga.

This most unusual story begins with the protagonist, a 14-year-old boy and new student in the local high school, observing another new student in an unfortunate incident. He sees Marcy, a poor, shabbily dressed, also 14, seemingly somewhat retarded (described as still believed in Santa and the Easter Bunny) in an unfortunate situation. He knows she is the constant recipient of ridicule and worse by young students in their often cruel manner when encountering someone ‘different’. He again encounters her in the school’s hall just as she is finishing retrieving her books and papers after being knocked down and left to gather them. He sees a paper she has missed, picks it up and hands it to her. She grabs it and leaves, but gives him a direct look that makes a lasting impression. He quickly looks around hoping that his helpful gesture had not been seen because he also might be included in her torment and ridicule. It was bad enough, although still low key, in that he also was ‘the new kid’ in school. He also encounters her when she, with her aunt, attends the same church as he does with his father. Again he receives penetrating looks that somehow disturb him. From these incidents, the reader is introduced to a strange tale of two rather ethereal-like individuals intertwined in a fateful seraphic and somewhat macabre relationship seemingly dictated by some unusual relentless power.

Discussion: This is a most unique plot-based tale with little character development per se. However, it is a riveting story of psychological activity on a rather dysfunctional level by two highly disturbed individuals. Marcy’s reactions on introduction to, and following requirement to live in, the world peopled with other human beings, is inevitable. The protagonist, who actually is not even named until late, also has been mentally affected by his disrupted family situation. Thus, although not as totally unprepared as Marcy, he still has not sufficiently developed the thought patterns believed necessary for more normal social relationships. So, to conclude, the author has provided a most unusual and utterly intriguing story.

5* Most unusual and utterly intriguing story. Highly recommended!

The Science of the Deal

The Science of the Deal ISBN: 9781946633781 ForbesBooks copyright and written by Shravan Parsi.

The book opens with the usual praise for the author’s credits and ability by several CEO’s and others of note; a Forward; A Word from the Author; eight chapters; About the Author; Our Services, which describe those offered by American Ventures LLC; 32 End Notes; About the Book, which again emphasizes “Learn a systematic approach to investing in commercial real estate and multifamily housing.” Chapter 1, describes his move “From Sideshow to Main Show”, from part-time investing to establishing a commercial real estate firm specializing in multifamily workforce housing; 2. Discusses the necessity of knowing your industry and how to use key performance indicators; 3.Assembling your team and talent while also building important qualities in yourself; 4. How to employ time and leverage to seize opportunity; 5. The potential offered by downsides (the things to look for and evaluate in a city/neighborhood); 6. Describes the need to ask ‘really good’ questions and delegate to experts; 7. The necessity for networking and ‘giving back’: creating a center of influence; 8. Up and Out: Stretching limits.

Discussion: Most chapter headings, as listed, are self-explanatory and describe and discuss the material listed. For the most part, they follow a relatively regular pathway to developing a thriving business in a sector of real estate not often discussed. Chapter 8 perhaps is of particular interest because of its concentration on technology and trends. The author evaluates technology and globalization and how it’s constantly changing aspects affect the United States, its inhabitants and its businesses. He further directs the discussion to the primary theme of this book and takes it from its simplest form (Craig’s List) to more advanced ({?} e.g. Airbnb, HomeAway that disrupted the short term rental industry, to investing (e.g. Crowdfunding, restrictions limiting banks, etc.) Much of the discussion is about how the author’s American Venture’s performed in extensive and highly profitable performances, their intent (and how) to extend globally and into strategic markets, and the need to follow demographic trends to diversity. Also discussed are trends in single-family homes, populations – Baby Boomers, Millennials, human longevity – and even real estate in space.

Summary: Overall look at a section of real estate seemingly seldom addressed. It is presented in a manner interesting to an outsider whose interests are eclectic and although heavily autobiographical, assumingly helpful for the targeted audience.

5* Appealing thoughts for newbies; assumed helpful for knowledgeable.

Entrepreneurs The Little Black Book

Entrepreneurs ISBN: 9781793054586 The Expressive Press copyright and written by Pete Geissler.

Sub titled The Little Black Book for, and those who want to be, entrepreneurs starts with a list of his other series of books; About the Author follows where he is presented as a “Professional/technology writer, teacher professor of technical writing and an author/publisher of self-help books”. These 3 combined, he admits are infamous for creating more poverty than wealth, but they work for him and he loves what he does. A Forward explains: “Happiness is the ultimate goal, and you’re in the driver’s seat.” A Prologue describes who, and why you will benefit from this book. Ten chapters (Drivers) next, beginning with Know and Live your purposes; 2. Aim for competitive supremacy which puts you in charge of your destiny; 3. Live your big 4 behaviors (empathize, appreciate, articulate, connect – actually common courtesy); 4. Collaborate with your customers. Also branding or niche marketing important; Give them more than expected; 5. Nurture and value your talents and principles for they are your conscience. (Picasso reportedly received a complaint when he asked $1000 for a requested sketch he did in a few seconds. His answer – Hardly a few seconds; I worked a lifetime to be able to create that simple drawing. Similarly, this Author was paid $4000 for a few minutes work, but strategically let the recipient believe it was after a week’s work.); 6. Four rules for creating wealth –productive efforts create wealth; 7. Create your own cozy conglomerate, for it is your stability. (The author is in his eighties, still writes, teaches, writes/publishes his and a few other’s books and honestly believes “That if I stopped I would die of boredom and loneliness in six weeks. Crazy, eh?” He believes serendipity was the driving force behind his cozy conglomerate); 8. Avoid greed at all costs – it’s self-defeating. Don’t accept work that’s beyond your capacity to deliver the final product (and this reviewer might emphasize- ON TIME – as follows). Remember your time and abilities also have a limit which it is necessary to discover and recognize; 9. Be creative when planning your future, for it is your road map. (“If you don’t know where you’re going you can’t get there”); 10. Retain financial advisers you can trust for they are your security. Five rules are offered beginning with Never retain a friend or relative to be accountant or manager; 11. Nurture your most important asset: your mind and body; 12. Select the vehicle you’ll ride into entrepreneurship for it will influence your wealth and happiness. There is an Epilogue (Conclusion); PETE’S Punditry: Words to Play By; Further Reading on money, on work, communications and thinking; APPENDIX A – The root cause of Success: Humility; Appendix B –  Root cause of failure: Arrogance; Appendix C –  Your “intelniche” is your brand and your competitive supremacy (your intelligence, imagination, creativity is your only product).

Discussion: A few more ‘gems’ noted in this short treatise include “Knowing your life’s purpose(s) keeps you on the track you’ve decided is best for you. It shapes your decisions and prevents you from irrelevant, irritating and costly excursions that tend to hinder reaching your goals”. The author loves words and first went to work writing for many Fortune 500 companies that needed to communicate better. “I can pick my bosses and embrace those I like and pay my fees.” He can dress as he likes, can get into proper attire if necessary to attend a board meeting or other and otherwise work in shorts/t-shirt and work billable hours in the middle of the night, Christmas day, or whenever. He says everyone needs a statement of purpose that adjusts to life’s changes and here he offers steps to “put you in the driver’s seat” to follow yours because “Perhaps now is the time to redefine success to align with your expectations and encompass more than wealth. The drivers in this book, which are my contract with you, will help…….As you redefine, remember that every person holds in his mind a definition of success and that every person’s path to it is difficult, circuitous, and exclusively theirs. I am your guide, not your overseer.

Conclusion: This reader is an individual who long has embraced the idea behind the author’s recalled statement “If you enjoy what you’re doing, retirement is ‘a vile condition brought about by age and befuddled management’. He too is a ‘word lover’ of long standing who also still is enjoying similar activities. As such, this reviewer highly recommends reading and thoroughly considering altering your ‘work’ to be more in line with the suggestions offered here.

5* Highly recommended!!!

Blood of the Assissin

Blood of the Assassin Thrillex Publishing copyright and written by Bill Brewer.

This second book in the series has the protagonist David Diegert, son of an Ojibwa woman in northern Minnesota who is married to an abusive drug dealer with another son who is similar and favored by by the husband. Both males ridicule David with the father adding harsh abusive tactics as well. The collective effect of this activity on the young boy, plus the scorn accrued by the social unacceptability at that time of being a ‘half-breed’, is accepted but eventually leads him to become a Special Forces soldier and then a paid Assassin. Not only is he a professional, but is the best as determined by a serial rotation of combat to the death set up by the consortium by which he has been hired. The group, headed by a German living in palatial splendor in London prominently includes a Latin American representative, a prominent Chinese businessman and a well-connected American who together represent some 20 % of the world’s wealth. The consortium is named Crepusculous and their agenda is devaluation of the American dollar and to push their own digital currency with a common value throughout the world. Thus ultimately, all ‘local’ rates would be eliminated making the globe one common market and voilà, their Omni Sphere would make them THE one power in the world. The tale here describes action up to and including their decision to begin the process with a four step sequence of activity in which David is intimately involved. The associated characters provide various activities that both aid and hinder his assignments and distrust, betrayal, deceit and treachery are the normal way of life as he attempts even to remain alive while attempting to save his mother as well as the whole world.

Discussion: The plot is credible considering the chaotic state of today’s world, its people and politics. From rumors extant, the characters are acceptable as is their activity. The early pace is hi-octane as the consortium’s first two steps are initiated. Following this, the sequence slows rapidly as the political action, by its convoluted nature, pretty much begins to take over. Regrettably, for this reviewer at least, this rapid deceleration and seemingly probable extension into the next awaited volume in the series produced an annoying and unwelcome distraction to this otherwise enjoyable thriller.

3* 5* story with disappointing feature the author hopefully will correct.


Tantamount Glass Spider Publishing copyright and written by CR Hruska.

The story opens in the year 550 in fragmentarily ruled Britain several centuries before larger tribes coalesced into the country of England. Although both the northern and southern sections were ruled by Germanic tribes that had immigrated earlier, the northern Angles were ruled by a man who wished to extend his kingdom to include a bordering particularly fertile section of southern Seaxe. Tolan Fising, a husky, hardworking 37-year-old farmer, his loving wife Leila, 10-year-old son Kenric and 7-year-old daughter Thea owned part of this fertile land. Along with their other animals, a particular large muscular horse called Stareyes was the favorite and became closely loved by the entire family. This is the tale of how the attempted invasion by the Anglican King affected this family, especially after their nearest neighbor, close family friend and loving husband of Avery Lawford is killed defending the country. The ensuing havoc initiated by roving bands from the north brutally kill Tolan’s family causing the fleeing Tolan to encounter a startling change in venue where he is saved and gradually introduced to an entirely new way of life and loving friends who he, in a split second, instinctively is moved to save at great personal sacrifice.

Discussion: The author has set forth a most interesting imaginative offering in a quite simplistic manner that seems most appropriate. The protagonist’s apparent ability to adjust to radical change without any seeming hesitation is a bit remarkable, but credible for an individual with a good intellect and a mind geared to constant change and the necessity to react quickly to changing conditions. For a first endeavor, this book is a most welcome addition to the fantasy/historical genre literature already published.

5* Unusual fantasy/historical tale most enjoyable to read.